Saturday, September 23, 2023


Wednesday night I hosted my book club's September meeting. There was a large turnout: eleven guests in all. I don't think we've ever had so many people in our house at one time! I was really nervous about it and worked really hard to prepare, giving the house a major cleaning over the course of a couple of weeks and then spending a lot of time planning and shopping. (I spent a fair amount of money, too). But in the end, it was all worth it. Everything went off without a hitch, I was proud of how the house looked, and most importantly, everyone seemed to have a good time. 

Preparing the food is my favorite part of any party, and I really had fun with it this time. I made my first ever charcuterie board! 

What I enjoyed most about this was how easy it was to make something that looks really fancy. The only cooking involved was toasting the pecans with butter and salt. I got lots of compliments on it.

Speaking of easy, I also served the classic grape jelly + Heinz chili sauce crockpot meatballs. All you have to do is throw frozen pre-cooked meatballs in a crock pot with a small jar of grape jelly and a couple of jars of chili sauce, then just stir them around a time or two as they heat up. It may sound weird, but they're delicious, and people always devour them. I also bought pre-boiled eggs at the grocery store and made a double batch of deviled eggs. Deviled eggs are another crowd-pleaser, and when you eliminate the step where you have to boil (and worse, peel) the eggs, they're quick and easy too.

I bought six bottles of wine for the party: three reds, two whites, and a rose. I wanted a good selection for people to choose from. Of course, I had plenty of bottled water and soda on hand, too. There's a lot of the wine left over. 

Karen (from The Internet's Best Karen) was the first to arrive. Since she works in the Chemistry department of our local university, she really enjoyed this month's book!

Check out George photobombing this next shot. He knew there was food nearby! :)

Once everyone arrived, Poppy was wide eyed and nervous and decidedly not having fun, so I gave her an early supper on the back porch and let her stay out there. George has been around long enough to know that company can be fun (and the source of treats) so he was a Very Good Boy. He went to each guest in turn to get petted and admired, then settled down on the rug in the middle of it all while we had our discussion. He was a perfect gentleman.

"What about Marco?" I hear you all wondering...well, he was THRILLED with all the noise and company. He stayed on my shoulder most of the time, to the delight of all the guests. He was a little clown, laughing and making little comments and generally hamming it up. Before leaving, a couple of people wanted to take pictures with him, and he was happy to oblige. 

I'm glad things went well, but I'm also glad that it's all over! The house is still pretty much spotless, which is a bonus. I plan to spend the weekend relaxing and enjoying some downtime after such a busy week!


  1. Everything looks so beautiful Jennifer. The food and the house and of course your lovely housemates.

  2. Love the food you served; everything looks dee-lish!

    1. The way everyone scarfed down the food, it must have been tasty! I was too distracted to noti.

  3. It all sounds and looks great - and I love it that Marco happily posed with his new fans, like the celebrity he is! Good idea to have Poppy stay out of the action. She's still lacking the experience George has, of course.
    Well done, you - now it's time to put your feet up and make sure that leftover wine does not need pouring down the sink :-D

    1. Marla came over on Saturday and we made sure the leftover wine didn't go to waste!

  4. Congratulations! For me, there are stages in entertaining:
    Great idea -> Panicked cleaning & shopping ->What was I thinking?-> This was fun after all -> Relief.

    1. Those are exactly my stages of entertaining, too!

  5. What an excellent book club gathering! We only have 8 in ours so we generally get 5-6 attendees. We have a dessert and drinks but no alcohol. It's interesting how different book clubs are. Do you actually discuss the book and use discussion questions? We do. :)

    1. Yes, we always try to find discussion questions to use.

  6. Looks like the perfect book club party! Even for 2/3's of your pets! I've got my cocktail meatballs and wieners in the crockpot right now and it turns out that I'll be hosting our gathering for Owen this afternoon. Lily's power went out! Which is fine with me. There aren't many of us. It'll be fun.

  7. Everything sounds perfect. I wish I could have been there. I love George in the center of it all, and Marco enjoying the attention. I could live off that charcuterie board! Beautiful and appealing. That's what I want for dinner tonight (and lunch and dinner tomorrow) When can you get here?

    1. I'd be on the next flight if I could! A vacation in Spain would be wonderful!

  8. Wow! That's a pretty impressive book club. I keep telling myself that I want to find a good one. Perhaps I'll just join yours!

  9. How I would have loved to come to that book club meeting! The delicious food! The beautiful setting! The interesting conversation! But most of all -- the photo op with Marco!

  10. The food all looks delicious. I have never heard of precooked meatballs although they may be available here. I am quite sure that cooked eggs are not available. If you hard boil your own eggs a boyfriend from over 50 years ago taught me to use a teaspoon to remove the shells. crack the egg then put the teaspoon between the shell and egg and move it around to separate. I have used that method ever since and it works well. Older eggs are easier to peel.

    1. I hate peeling boiled eggs and usually make a mess of it. I've never found a trick that works for me consistently.

  11. I've heard great things about that book. What did you think of it? Your food looks wonderful. I suppose Marco read the book and led the discussion in a very Marco-ish way.


    1. So almost everyone lived the book, but I didn't care much for it. I'll do a review later this week.

  12. Well done, I know how stressful the preparation for such events can be. Is your book club all female?

  13. I am glad that at our book club we only provide drinks ( wine or non alcoholic fizz) and usually crisps ( chips I think you call them?) and sometimes biscuits and cheese. Some people try and match some easy food to the setting of the book.
    What did you all think of the book? We read it about a year ago, and I think it was well liked on the whole. We have one man in our group, the husband of one of the ladies who is a keen reader and asked to join some years ago. We are 8 of us, and mostly very old friends who met at the school gates about 40 years ago!

    1. So I should clarify that most of the people hosting don't go to quite so much trouble. I live to cook and love preparing party food, and since I only host about once a year, I do a little extra.

  14. Congratulations Jennifer, the food looks absolutely fabulous, and a good time was had by all. Your meeting is going to be a very hard act to follow!

    1. The woman hosting next month always does an amazing spread which will put my efforts to shame!

  15. You did a terrific job, Jennifer! I really enjoyed that book!

    1. Thanks Ellen! Most of our members really liked it too.

  16. I'm glad it went so well! George reminds me of Olga -- she handles company similarly, greeting everyone and then lying down in the middle of the room. (The better to grab any dropped food, I suspect.) That charcuterie board is a wonder! I've never heard of buying pre-boiled eggs at a supermarket but that IS smart. Boiling and peeling eggs is such a pain.

    1. One of our other members told me about the pre boiled eggs sold in the deli of local supermarkets. Before that, I'd never heard of pre boiled eggs either!

      That way of acting towards guests must be a bulldog thing!

  17. I too am impressed by the splendid spread! I would have done all the eggs.

    1. The eggs were gone in a flash! Everyone loves deviled eggs!

  18. Can I be in your book club, what a spread and I loved that book. We do get offered cups of tea and a biscuit at our library group and so that's quite pleasant.
