Monday, October 18, 2010

Confession time

I knew that I was doing something wrong. I was even kind of sneaky about it.

I tried to deny what I knew in my heart would happen. I abandoned reason and common sense and vowed that this time, this time, I would have the fortitude and willpower to overcome temptation. Well, my friends, I'm here to come clean. To confess. To bare the ugly truth. I did it again.

I bought my Halloween candy two weeks ago and I've eaten it all.


  1. Lol - I'm right there with you!

    PS - there's an award for you on my blog.



  2. LOL!

    Here in NZ Halloween isn't really big. Seems soo wrong season wise when we are only just planting pumpkins.
    When 1st married - I locked up the dobermans, had yummy treats, waited & waited no body came... so I ate all the goodies...

    Love from From one sweet tooth to another!

    Love Leanne NZ

  3. Buying treats in advance. And then eating them. One of the best parts of Halloween. :)

  4. What a delicious Halloween sin you did commit!

    Cellar Door
