Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Red sky in the morning...

This morning I was awake and having my first cup of coffee when the sun came up. The light streaming in an east facing window was a strange shade of red; it reminded me of dried blood. What's that old weather saying.....?

Red sky at night, sailor's delight.
Red sky in the morning, sailor take warning.

It all seemed slightly ominous given the monster hurricane that's out in the Atlantic right now.

I took a picture of Marco facing the sunrise. It doesn't really capture how odd the light was, though.


  1. I have seen that red sky and it is awful. I am keeping an eye on where you and Irma are. I hope she stays at sea !

    cheers, parsnip xx

    1. Gayle, your package thrilled us all!!! And Ginger and George LOVE those treats. Thank you so much!

  2. Red sky at night, Shepherd's cottage alight.
    Red sky in the morning, Shepherd's cottage still burning.

  3. Sunrises fascinate me as much as sunsets, and usually a red morning sky means a rainy day here. Thankfully, we are out of reach of hurricanes - I have read they can only form above water that has a temperature of at least 26.5 Celsius, and our nearest body of water certainly never reaches that.
    We do get our own set of storms (with hail, sometimes), though.

    1. This hurricane (Irma) is breaking records. Last night before I went to bed the winds were up to 185 mph (sustained) with gusts up to 225mph. It's going to be catastrophic when it hits.

  4. Glad you're at least feeling better (per chloe?)

    1. That troll is best deleted and ignored. I do feel better though...thanks!

    2. I'm not a troll.Rachel tells you nonsens. You're a nice person and if sometimes I do not agree it does not mean that I do not like what you're writing in your blog. I appreciate deeply your statements about your "president".

  5. Hopefully it won't come as far north as you are, but yes, it does seem ominous nonetheless. Good photo, though!

    1. Some tracks have it coming right over our heads. :( It's going to be awful no matter where it ends up. I'm worried about our find Ms. Moon in Florida.

  6. In England we usually say:-
    Red sky at night a shepherd's delight
    Red sky in the morning a sailor's warning.

    Of course, meteorologically speaking, it's all bullshit.

    1. Of course! But weather folklore is fun.

    2. Tornado overhead
      Hide beneath your bed!
      Tsunami coming from across the sea
      Time to shin up the nearest tree!

  7. thank you for this your broadcast provided bright clear concept..

