Tuesday, December 26, 2017

The day after.

We had a nice Christmas. Too much food (we'll be eating leftovers all week), too much alcohol (me), too many sweets. One big gift for the two of us together--a new tv, much bigger and nicer than the old one, and internet-ready to boot. Nice neighbors stopping by, fun with friends, and an easy visit to my parents' house for lunch and exchanging gifts. The dogs had fun: lots of treats including big marrow-filled bones on Christmas morning. And while we were outside giving them said bones, somebody inside the house was sneaking around getting into mischief:

Image may contain: table, food and indoor
Raiding the bowl of roasted pecans. Brat!!
Now comes the part I dread: taking down the Christmas tree and decorations. I'm going to be sad to see it go. I know that in most parts of the world, it's weird to take down the decorations the day after Christmas, but it's tradition in this area to have it all down before New Year. Gregg always says that trees look sad to him the day after Christmas, and he does have a point, so today I'll at least get started on getting the house back to normal. Putting away the tree will be the worst part, so I plan to do that first.

By the way, the cookies Marla and I made turned out nice. And we had a good time decorating them!

Image may contain: food

Image may contain: dessert and food

Image may contain: dessert and food

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday, filled with all your favorite things.


  1. Marco is a hoot. And your cookies are amazing.

  2. Those cookies are so cute, I used to make them. Marco knows how to pamper himself.

    1. Today he got into a plate of cookies one of our neighbors dropped off the other night. You can't turn your back for even an instant!

  3. Pretty cookies! I expect Marco thought he was entitled to the nuts at Christmas time.

    1. Marco thinks he's entitled to anything he wants anytime he wants! Nothing special about Christmas! Lol.

  4. Sometimes I miss making decorated sugar cookies for Christmas. When my children were young, I actually hung them on the tree and they got better every day. And when it was time to take the tree down, I could put it outside and the birds and squirrels could eat the cookies that were left.
    My Christmas decorating was so minimal this year that I've already got it all packed away. I agree with your husband- Christmas trees after Christmas seem sad.

    1. I'm looking forward in years to come with having Marla bring her son or daughter over to decorate cookies with Auntie Jenn!

  5. I love Marco ! So Naughty !
    Usually wait to New Years Day but this year all decorations will be up for several days because Daughter comes on the 1st.

    cheers, parsnip and mandibles

    1. I know you're going to be so happy to see your daughter! You should definitely wait on the decorations!

  6. You could start a blog just about Marco. Funny bird!

    In my part of the world the tree comes down the weekend after New Year’s Day. But Gregg is right. They do look sad.

    1. Marco does all kinds of crazy things I never get around to posting about here. You're right, he needs his own blog to document his adventures. Maybe in the new year!

  7. Who's a naughty Marco? I usually leave my tree and decorations up until a few days after the new year begins, but this year I think I'll start taking them down today. Your cookies are beautiful.


    1. Marco IS a naughty boy! Thank you for the nice comment about the cookies.

  8. Your cookies look great! And I just love Marco. If he starts a blog, I'll be a fan :)

  9. Most people here keep their tree up till New Year’s Day or January 6th, Little Christmas. Like you, I hate the dismantling of Christmas and all the work that it entails. The house does look nice and tidy afterwards, though, and it is a good feeling to have everything put back in their proper place

    Your cookies are beautiful and I bet they taste even better.

  10. Our tree etc comes down on Twelfth Night (Jan 6th); the same day that we go Wassailing. Every area has its own traditions, which is what makes it interesting.

  11. Yesterday, I had so much food (O.K.'s sister and her husband hosted a family dinner for us) that I thought I'd NEVER be able to EVER eat anything again - and guess what, I have just had breakfast as usual... ;-)
    I did go easy on the alcohol, though, as I needed to have my wits about me for travelling home the same night (all went well).
    Here, we take down Christmas decoration on the 6th of January, when the 12 Days of Christmas are over. I always do that with a mixture of sadness (now we'll have to wait another year) and relief (now I have my clean, empty surfaces back).

  12. We will take our tree and decorations down on the twelfth day of Christmas - just like Monsieur Cro and Frau Librarian.
    Do parrots have asses? Sounds like Marco needs a slapped ass to me.

  13. Oh, those cookies look so good. I have had NO Christmas cookies this year. Shortbread, brownies, lemon bars, a ginger muffin. But NOT actual Christmas cookies. I feel so deprived... or is that depraved?
