Saturday, April 6, 2019

Spring break (still waiting!)

I can't wait for spring break, it seems to be taking forever to get here. I can't help but laugh at myself a little when I'm tempted to complain about how late it is this year. At this time two years ago I was working in a retail job I hated with no time off except the two or three weeks' paid vacation I got which had to last the whole year. And I had to work there over 5 years to qualify for that much time off! Now I have a week and a half at Easter, the whole summer, almost a week at Thanksgiving, and two weeks over the winter holidays off. I'm trying to always remember what a luxury that is.

It does seem to be taking a long time for our spring break to get here, though. Our local school district ties it to the Easter holiday, and Easter falls late this year. We're out of school from Good Friday, April 19th, until Monday April 29. Once we get back to school there's only 4 or 5 weeks left until we dismiss for the summer.

Gregg is taking an extra day or two off with me over the holiday. He gets very little time off so I kind of insisted he take some time to spend with me and to relax! After he goes back to work I'm considering going to visit my father in law and sister in law for a day or two. I've been meaning to get up to Raleigh for a visit since my mother in law passed away, but we've been so busy with buying a house and then the holidays that it's been on the back burner. I'd like to see Lou, and I'm also thinking about asking for some divisions and cuttings of plants that Edythe loved from their yard.

Spring has already fully sprung here in South Carolina. Our new little neighborhood, being adjacent to a small creek and nature trail, has lots of old dogwoods in full bloom, wisteria running riot, and even some trees draped in Spanish moss. Not to mention a thousand shades of green. We've never seen so many birds and such a variety at our feeders. There are scores of Northern Cardinals, House Finches, Song Sparrows, Mourning Doves, Tufted Titmice, Carolina Chickadees, Carolina wrens, and lesser numbers of Red Bellied woodpeckers, Red Breasted nuthatches, White Breasted nuthatches, Common grackles, and the occasional Blue jay. Best of all, we have our very own pair of Barred owls that live here! We hear their calls almost every afternoon when they first wake up ( a soft "who cooks for you, who cooks for you all") and then occasionally throughout the night. They're often hanging out close to our house (I fear they may have some interest in our well populated feeders, but so far we've never seen an attack). One of them landed in the tree over our driveway the other evening at dusk, and we got a good look at him/her. It was pretty amazing! Sometimes when the weather is mild and I'm sleeping with the window open, I wake up in the middle of the night to the sound of the pair calling softly to each other in the dark. It's a lovely, reassuring sound.

How is the season coming along where you live?


  1. I like your plans for spring break, visiting with your in-laws. I well remember your tribute post about your late mother-in-law.
    In my neck of the woods, spring is well underway, too. The gorgeous magnolia trees in my street are soon going to shed their blossoms, and the birds perform a mad concert every morning and evening.

    1. I still haven't decided about going to visit yet, and I'll have to make sure the timing works for Lou. He's been keeping himself busy since Edythe died and he might not be available over Easter!

  2. I FINALLY have daffodils this week! the crocus & snowdrops have died. the trees have small buds. the forsythia is blooming. and my allergies are in full swing (achoo!). we are a bit behind due to the cold temps.

    1. Sounds like you're well behind us, then! The pollen seems to be lessening a bit here, finally. For about 3 weeks everything is covered in yellow!

  3. I am so happy you want to bring some of Edythe's plants and plantings back to your garden. Everyone should be happy for that.
    We have very little spring, so far, but it will happen. We do have plenty of owls here, and they are charming birds. I doubt your feeders are at risk, unless there is a vole or mouse on their fly by.
    Enjoy your vacation! It is well earned.

    1. I know that there are some pretty iris and spirea in her yard that should be easy to divide. I'm not sure what else but she loved flowers, so there's probably several things I could get pieces of.

  4. What a beautiful post, Jennifer! Satisfying in all ways. Like your other commenters, I think that bringing back some of Edythe's plants is a beautiful and loving tribute to her. I am so glad to see you in such good circumstances. Your life has changed so much, hasn't it? And in such good ways.

    1. My life HAS changed a whole lot, and pretty much all of it is for the better!

  5. Spring has sprung here. It’s fun to have plants in your garden that have a bit history the gardener can cherish.

    1. My neighbor has offered me cuttings from roses her late husband planted for her that originally came from HIS they must be over 50 years old, at least. Now I need to learn more about taking cuttings!

  6. Typical spring weather here. Rain, sun, rain, sun, etc. I've been wearing my shorts, but also carry an umbrella.

    1. We've continued to have a lot of rain, but at least we get a few sunny days thrown in lately. Over the winter it seemed like the sun hardly ever shined.

  7. It is lovely to watch the spring flowers and leaves on the trees appearing. Here in Harpenden ( about 20 miles north of London) the snowdrops are long gone, and the daffodils are fading fast! Willow trees along the river are showing their pale green outfits off, and I am noticing more and more birds singing their hearts out. The bluebell woods are beginning to have a beautiful haze of blue. Not sure if you have ancient bluebell woods in your area but if you " google" bluebell woods can see what I am talking about!! The dogs and I walk in a nearby wood most mornings.
    The schools here finished last Friday and they go back the day after Easter Monday.
    Have a lovely Sunday. I have a quiet day reading the papers, walking dogs, and a bit or ironing! Oh, and cooking lunch ! x

    1. I'm working on a good Sunday as I type this! A chicken is soaking in brine which I'll be roasting for our dinner and I'm mostly relaxing (with some laundry and a few household tasks mixed in).

  8. I went from a series of university jobs with great benefits and time off to a corporate job where you had to work a year before getting 1 week of vacation and 5 years for 2 weeks! Hell! We used to go on owl prowls at night in Connecticut. A blast... Notice I didn't say a hoot!

    1. That sounds rough! Ugh...corporate jobs like that are the worst!

      "Owl prowls"...I like the sound of that!

  9. I think we are a month or two behind you as we still seem to get a little snow once a week or so.

    1. We never got any snow at all this winter! I would say you're lucky, but I wouldn't want to be dealing with snow this late in the spring. Over Christmas would be nice, though!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  10. How wonderful that you get to see so many birds. I like the sound of "tufted titmice". I just checked out pictures of them. What charming little birds they are.

    1. I adore those bold little titmice! We see several every single day. :)
