Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Not Easy

It's hard to go to work on a day as beautiful as this one.

It's the first day that looks and feels like spring is on the way. And just my luck, I have to spend it indoors!


  1. Beautiful day you have indeed there, here it is like summer days for the whole week.

  2. Lovely picture and... just the perfect day to be indoors! Greetings Maria xx

  3. I promise there'll be more such days, and hopefully you'll be able to enjoy some of them outdoors :-)

  4. Replies
    1. Not too cold, actually. Last weekend it was terribly cold, but the past few days have been mild and almost warm.

  5. When I was a teacher, I would often look out of my classroom window and see lovely blue sky days that I was missing. Now that I am retired I tend not to miss them and that is a joy. Only yesterday I was walking in bright sunshine in the Lincolnshire Wolds but in the past I would have been checking kids' work, explaining the narration of "Wuthering Heights" or attending yet another staff meeting.

    1. You're lucky to be retired and still young and healthy enough to enjoy yourself. I sometimes fear I'll have to work until I drop dead just to be able to eat.
