Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Blog post #127

 After I hit "publish" on yesterday's post I realized I had reached exactly the same number of posts in 2020 as I did in 2019, with two days left in the year. How's that for consistency? 711111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110

(That gibberish was Marco's contribution to this post. I went to the kitchen to get something to drink after typing that last sentence and he flew down from the top of his cage, landed on the keyboard, and was in the process of tearing into a package of Ritz crackers over beside my mouse. That bird loves Ritz crackers. And he's not shy about going after what he wants. Consider it a "Hello!" to you all from the Brat Bird).

So where was I? Oh yes. Today is post #127 for me this year, so I've officially exceeded my previous year total by one. Maybe I'll even feel a little wild and post again tomorrow!

Nothing much to say today. It's been gray and damp and chilly all day. The one worthwhile thing I accomplished was running to the drugstore to pick up a prescription. While I was out I called for curbside pickup at a newish Mexican restaurant nearby because I was craving a taco salad. I brought it home and ate it, and was not impressed. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't like meeting friends and eating it fresh and washing it down with a margarita and conversation. Sitting alone at home doesn't do much to improve the flavor of Mexican food.

I was nervous about the drugstore and even getting curbside pickup at a restaurant because Covid is exploding in this area. It's far worse than it's ever been. Our positive % is over 30% when we were told it would need to be under 5% to be considered even somewhat controlled. Our county seems to be averaging 4-5 deaths every single day now and from what I understand, both hospitals are at capacity and having to send sick people elsewhere. We're in trouble and if we had anything even approaching decent leadership we'd be in total lockdown by now. Instead, half the population is going around mask-less and fancy free, posting pictures of their holiday gatherings all over social media. It's kind of horrifying. Even going to the drugstore or grocery store, and despite being as careful as possible, I can't help but feel like I'm taking a grave risk every time I leave our house. I can only hope that the vaccine roll out starts happening more efficiently and we can get our jabs soon. Gregg has a routine follow up with his oncologist at the beginning of March and he's going to see if it's possible to get his vaccine then. That will relieve my mind somewhat if I can stop worrying so much about him, at least.

After eating my lonely taco salad I was cold and so I turned up the heat in the house, put on a large old t-shirt, and got in bed. I didn't really go to sleep, but somehow the whole afternoon slipped away after that. Just zero motivation to get up or do much of anything until now. Once I finish writing here I think I'm going to start taking down the Christmas tree. I like to have the tree and decorations put away and the house clean by New Year's Day and if I get the tree packed away I'll feel like I accomplished something. We shall see.

Back tomorrow.


  1. I would be very concerned living among those sorts of infection rates. Stay aware.
    My electric bill came today. $171 for staying warm in December. If you can call it warm! You take care now, and come back tomorrow to report your tree gone.

    1. The tree is packed up and ready to go up into the attic when Gregg gets home from work this evening!

      Wow, your power bill is almost as much as ours and even though I know it's way colder there, we're two people who live in a larger space than you and we have twice the laundry, not to mention aquariums to run. Jeez. It must be because of the cold. I'm sorry, Joanne!

  2. Tucson is exploding with covid. It is obscene.
    Son wipes down every package, mail, grocery and washes all fruit and veggies before I can touch it. What a huge mess.
    Take down your tree and fluff up all up, even naughty Marco and feel better.
    I have a massive eye infection since the 22nd that looks like someone hit me with a baseball bat. The colors are a hoot. One just can't win now.
    Feel Better.

    1. Oh, wow. I'm so sorry to hear about your eye infection! That stinks! I sure hope you're feeling better soon. Give Agatha and Winston a kiss from me! :)

  3. Those rates are pretty scary yes.
    What sort of bird is Marco? He's a pretty good typist. I expect that meant something in binary!

  4. Marco! 555555555111119999g000000, back at you!!!

    I feel your pain Jennifer and worry. It's been exploding all over it seems. Once back to my own place...I plan on going back to my staying in...and only going out once every two weeks to food shop. People I know who have barely been around anyone are even getting...most likely from comtaminated surfaces or items in food stores or objects. So....time to make less trips out in my opinion. Take care and stay I know you are...and a peaceful New Year to you all. ๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿธ๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ’‹

    1. We just got word this morning that instead of schools opening back up on Monday, students will be 100% virtual for at least two weeks. Not sure yet if I'll have to go into the office or not, but at least only a few people will be in the building, if any. I'll be hunkering down and waiting out the next big spike after people got together for Christmas and over New Year's.

  5. SC was even mentioned on the radio over here as having Covid problems. Foul weather here too. I go for walks, saw logs, and read books; not much else one can do.

    1. Wow, we're famous for something shitty. Sounds about right for South Carolina.

  6. I am sorry to hear that covid is so bad there. I would think that Gregg would qualify for an early vaccine jab due to his health history. I am getting more nervous since I've been hearing about the new faster spreading strain of covid. That's all we need. You two be careful and have a Happy New Year!

    1. We're hoping that with his history that Dr. Smith will be able to get him one. In fact, I think he should call his office and try to get one sooner than March.

  7. Just focus on staying safe in your lovely home Jennifer. Let's hope we all get access to the vaccine soon. (We have a new resident in our village who owns a big, blue parrot. He takes it for walks on his shoulder!)

    1. A big blue parrot is probably a Macaw. How I love Macaws! But I would never own one. That's way too much bird for me!

  8. It is scary, and like you, I would avoid being out to the shops as much as possible. Unbelievable how so many in your area still behave as if the whole thing was just a hoax.
    How is the vaccine campaign organised in your area? Do you have to make an appointment, or are you notified as to where and when it is your turn?

    Hello back to Marco!! :-)

    An afternoon spent in bed, I can imagine worse, and I believe it can do us good if we concede ourselves some extra rest when the alternative - a brisk walk - is not possible or advisable.

    1. So far we've heard of a few medical people (nurses, doctors, etc) getting the vaccine but the rollout is much slower than expected. I think the next people that will get it will be people who live in long-term care facilities. Which is as it should be.

  9. Well! Marco really shouldn’t use that kind of language, but it IS nice to hear from him. Wishing you a better day. I have days like that, too. If I do a load of laundry, I feel like I’ve accomplished something major. Whatever It takes.

    1. I really dislike those days. I feel lazy and useless.

  10. Replies
    1. Thank you John, and a Happy New Year to you, too!

  11. Perhaps Marco was listing your blog posts in parrot?

  12. So, Marco types in binary... kind of. Interesting. Sometimes it's great to just laze away and let the afternoon pass by unnoticed. I do it now and then and find it immensely enjoyable. May this New Year bring better times then we've had.

    1. Happy New Year, Dave! I hope it's a better year for us all!

  13. Sounds like you and I had similar days. I did things but I felt as if I was moving through concrete. Hang in there. It's all going to be okay. Somehow.

    1. Similar days, yes. I thought that while reading your post last night. Hang in there!

  14. HELLO BRAT BIRD! thank you for the greeting. enjoy your ritz crackers.

    I am feeling the same way about everything right now. no motivation to read, knit, do laundry, etc. winter hibernation, I guess.

    1. I hope you're healing well! I've been thinking about you. Happy New Year, Anne Marie!

  15. Wow, Marco sure is a character. Like you, I simply don't get the maskless people. I don't get it at all. The rates are way up here too, but not as high as yours. The whole thing is very scary and I wish the vaccine would hurry up and get here. Stay safe, and Happy New Year.

    1. You stay safe and keep your chin up, Michael! I'm rooting for you to have a better year in 2021....Happy New Year!

    2. Good luck with school. I just read through the comments and noticed that the students aren't going back on Monday. Ours are out the rest of January. They will reevaluate this mid-January. Be safe!

  16. I thought Marco's "contribution" was some weird binary code. LOL!

    The period between Christmas and New Year's always feels a bit like suspended animation, even more so this year. Our Covid numbers are exploding too. It's scary.

    1. I'll be glad to see the last of this crap year! Let's hope for better things in 2021.

  17. As an oldie who has rarely ventured out much, yesterday I had to take my DH for a medical procedure--about an hour and a half from home. I was shocked to see the highways and shopping centers absolutely packed. What the heck is wrong with folks? Our numbers are skyrocketing, too, but few restrictions are in place. I sat in my car while DH had the procedure and when I drove up to the surgical center door, wore a mask while the nurse put him in the car. By the time we got home, I'd been sitting in the car for almost six hours. Thank goodness for a good bladder :). But at least I didn't get near anyone else.

    1. Any sort of medical procedures/doctor appointments right now are just nightmares in the age of Covid. Six hours in the car is too much! I'm glad we live close to the hospital/doctors we use and can always wait at home and be back up there in 15 minutes or less.

      Stay safe! Happy New Year!

  18. It is a shame that it has come to this when it did not have to be this way. Hoping for better results in 2021 with Biden/Harris administration taking charge.
    Best wishes for a happy, healthy New Year!

    1. Yes, I'm hoping that after Jan 20th things will start to move in the right direction. Biden/Harris winning the election was the only good thing that happened in 2020!

  19. The British government is urging everyone to stay home on New Year's Eve and keep well away from other people i.e. not go to crowded parties. But I can guarantee there'll be thousands of people taking no notice whatever and happily spreading the virus in all directions.

    1. Oh, for sure in this area people will go out and meet up with others and crowd into restaurants and if our hospitals weren't bursting at the seams and people dying in our county every single day, now. I truly don't get it! What the hell is wrong with people?!

  20. Clearly Marco is into Numerology? *LOL* Your consistency at Blogging is admirable, I tended to indulge in Manic Blogging in 2020 to keep my Head on straight and not have too many meltdowns! I get angry at people misbehaving and doing ignorant things when by now they have all the information they'll ever need about what NOT to do... yet... they stubbornly do it anyway with total disregard for Public Health. They seem unaware that People ARE the Economy and the Pandemic and Economy are not mutually exclusive. Misbehaving and ignoring the Science of this means Economic Collapse, plain and simple... we can't go on like this with things spiraling further and further out of control until everything collapses, including the Health Care System, Economy and a semblance of Law and Order with Rule of Law being respected. The direction this Administration has pushed it's Base and that Political Party is becoming ever more alarming and undemocratic. I do worry about January and how it will play out with the Political Theater being just ridiculous!? So many Countries are doing so much better at mitigation and being disciplined as a Society than we are... our individual States, Counties and Municipalities can't even get on the same Page or be Civil and United with each other... what a Cluster Fuck.



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