Thursday, October 24, 2024


Just a few short updates on everything going on this month:

We did it! My friends helped me complete 400 Postcards to Swing States this past Sunday afternoon! We had a little postcard party over at Barbara's house. Out of the 400 postcards I committed to, I had already finished 275 (!!) ahead of time, so I only brought the remaining 125. Karen H. brought an additional 100 postcards she needed help completing (for down ballot races in the non-swing state of Ohio). We made short work of those 225 postcards, and had a little time left over for talking and eating the potluck snacks we'd brought. 

It's a relief to have it done.

Left to right, clockwise: Maggi, Marian, Barbara, Paulette, Karen, and Yours Truly, struggling to get a selfie that included everyone.

I may or may not have mentioned that I'd planned to have the Postcard Party at my house. Obviously, that didn't happen. Barbara was kind enough to offer to host because our small renovation project is still not done. Yep. Still not done! Our house remains in disarray with one room emptied out and being worked on.

This is what happened. The guy took longer than he expected, and at the end of the week he'd allotted for us, he was only about 70% done. He had other job commitments starting that Monday that he couldn't get out of. It's meant some delay in the finishing work, and he's been coming over for an hour or two here and there when he can. It's been dragging on a lot longer than I expected, though.

To be fair, Rick's doing really good, careful work. He's taking his time and every part that he finishes looks great. He pays attention to detail. We're also getting an absolute steal on the price of his labor. Since he'd never tried coffered ceilings before, he wanted to get some experience with them, and I think he lowballed the price a little bit because he was unsure of how it would go. Well, it looks terrific! So, if it takes him a little bit longer than we expected, so be it....

but DAMN I'm tired of all the furniture from that room being crammed into the rest of the house! We can barely move! It's okay for a week, but when it's stretching into the third week, it gets old, fast.

Then to add insult to injury, day before yesterday we discovered an ant infestation in our pantry and kitchen shelves. We had to move all the food out, and everything stored in the kitchen cabinets where we saw ants, because the exterminator guy is coming later house is a shambles. Seriously.

The only other thing I wanted to mention is that my skin is almost healed (and much, much better). Thank you all for the kind words and encouragement on my last post! Once I got started on antibiotics and prednisone I started to feel better, fast. That's a relief, at least.

I'll sign off with a picture of the front porch that I've been getting ready for Halloween. Several of our neighbors have been decorating, too, which is fun. As soon as I buy some candy, we'll be ready for trick or treaters. 


  1. That's great about getting those postcards done. For the life of me, I still cannot believe why this race is so close. With every passing day, he says something more inane, yet it appears not to have an impact on the polls. So sorry about the renovation taking longer. The good thing is that the guy is doing a good job, so when it's done it will be done. And those ants? There's never a dull moment owning a house. Good luck with that.

  2. The porch looks great! I especially love the pumpkins. They look like Bert and Ernie.

    It's too bad the renovations are taking longer than expected but at least the guy's doing a good job and not rushing it. Congrats on completing the postcards -- let's keep our fingers crossed that they do the trick!

  3. Your front porch is looking very festively spooky!

  4. Good on you for your work on the mailers. Everything helps.

    And I do love those lights!

  5. I'm so glad to hear you are feeling better, Jennifer. I was worried about you.
    Thank you so much for all the postcard work! I am hoping for a Blue landslide and I'm sure your postcards could help. You're lucky to have a good workman who is not rushing and doing a sloppy job. It will be worth the wait when he is done (which I hope is soon for your sake!). Your home looks so cutely decorated! The trick-or-treaters will love it!

  6. When you told us the estimate of when the renovations were going to be completed I had a feeling...
    Things never go that fast when it comes to these projects. But oh, the glorious relief when it's done!
    Hurray for you and your ladies. You should be proud of yourself.
    And I'm so glad to hear that your skin is better. I know that must be such a relief.

  7. I have to deal with contractors and if he had a prior commitment that he couldn't get out of, he's not as good as you might think he is.
