Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Shot down

I haven't shared a Little P. story in a while, so I wanted to tell you about talking to his mom yesterday. Since we both work in the same school district, I can reach her office by dialing her extension even though we're in different schools. Anyway, I was thinking about her and P. yesterday morning and how we hadn't talked in a while, so during a slow time I rang her up to say hello. *

Anyway, we chatted for a couple of minutes, caught up, etc. When I asked her how P. was doing, she told me about something that happened to him recently. His middle school (!) is having a Valentine's Day dance this Friday evening. There was a girl he liked, so he summoned his courage and asked her to go with him. So cute! Right? want to know how that little sh*t of a girl responded? 

Turned him down, which is perfectly fine, but then she told her circle of little catty mean-girl friends that he had asked her, and they all laughed at him.

Laughed at our little P.!

I was so mad.

Judon handled it like a pro, as usual. She didn't get too excited about it all, merely telling him, "Forget that girl. Go by yourself or with two or three of your best guy friends." She encouraged him to look on Amazon to find something he might want to wear, and he picked out a red suit jacket (!) so she ordered it for him. Then they shopped together for a shirt and pants to wear with it. I'm so glad he's going to go and I hope he has a blast! I told Judon to send me pictures of him all dressed up.

And I hope that girl gets a lesson from karma one day. 

Growing up is tough. I'm glad I don't have to do it again. I wouldn't go back to my middle school years for anything!

*I knew that she'd see who was calling, and if she was busy at the moment she wouldn't pick up. That's why I wasn't worried about disturbing her at work.


  1. One granddaughter had a boyfriend all through high school and they went to dances together. The other sometimes had a boyfriend and other times went with a girl group. But it seems when they were on the floor, they just danced with whoever they were near.

  2. Nasty little girls who are probably not going to the dance at all.

  3. Turning him down is OK, but not going around and being nasty about him. From what you've always said about him, he sounds like a very nice boy. I hope he finds a better date when he's there.

  4. Girls can be terribly nasty, especially as a group. I wouldn't want to go back to my (early) teenage years, either, unless it would be with the knowledge and self-confidence I have now!
    I can only hope for that girl and her friends that, when they see Not-so-little P. in his glad rags, their fickle little hearts miss a beat and they secretly have to admit that the girl he had asked made a big mistake in turning him down AND being nasty about it.
