Saturday, February 1, 2025


Is it just me, or did January seem like the longest month ever? It seems like New Year's Day was months ago rather than mere weeks. 

Gregg finished his five rounds of radiation early in the month. It was much easier than he was afraid it would be and the few side effects he's had have been relatively minor. We won't know how successful it was until March, when he's scheduled for a CT scan and follow up appointments. I hope that will be the end of this situation. It's been a constant nagging worry for months now. 

Plenty of other things were hard to deal with in January, of course the biggest was the return of the Trump to the White House. It's less than two weeks into his term and it's been utter chaos and flagrant cruelty in a non-stop barrage of evil (and mostly illegal) executive orders. It's been really hard to try to put all that aside and carry on with normal life, but for the sake of my mental health I've had to try. I know most of you understand.

It's going to be a long four years, friends. 

But enough about that. It's a new month in a still new year, and today the sun is shining and I'm at home. George and Poppy are always thrilled when they realize it's a weekend morning and I'm not leaving for work. They wrestled and played on the rug in front of me while I had my morning coffee earlier. Marco was on one of his big perches nearby, squawking and flapping his wings and obviously wanting to jump into the middle of the dogs' play fighting and participate. We have to keep a close eye on him to prevent that, because he doesn't have enough common sense to realize how badly that could go! The dogs wouldn't intentionally hurt him, but they play really rough with each other and get really wound up and fierce. Any normal bird wouldn't want any part of two "fighting" dogs, but Marco thinks it looks like fun! 

Speaking of life with Marco...this morning, while taking a shower, Gregg noticed a section of paint chewed off a corner at one end of the shower curtain rod. That's classic Marco business right there. Sometimes he likes to perch on the curtain rod while I shower so that I can give him a quick shower, too.  This isn't the first time he's chewed paint off that spot. We just (re)painted the bathroom last summer and tried to be diligent in keeping him away from that particular corner. I have no idea when or how he got away with it this time, and Gregg is PISSED. We have some extra leftover paint, and can touch up the area without too much trouble, but he's still pretty mad about it. Since he retired last spring, he's at home a lot more and gets pretty tired of dealing with Marco's bad behaviors day in and day out. 

In the linen closet the other day, refusing to come out. Incidentally, one of the outer corners of this closet is where he chewed off the paint. He's a real asshole sometimes.

In other exciting news, I started some tomato seeds last week and they've begun to sprout! Plans for the 2025 garden are well underway. This afternoon I want to start pepper seeds (I should have done this already) and I need to place a seed order soon. I plan to make a second, smaller raised bed this year so I can grow some extra vegetables. I'm afraid that produce prices are going to skyrocket this summer, and the more I can grow for us, the better. I'd also like to plant a lot more zinnia varieties this year, both for the pollinators and for the simple joy of bouquets in the house. I love cut flowers, and zinnias are so easy and cheerful!

Do you have any gardening plans this year?

Are you as glad as me that January is finally over? 

What are you up to this first weekend in February?

Answers on a postcard, please.


  1. I LOVE naughty Marco, having had naughty birds in the past, I really miss them and love a Marco fix every now and then. We still have chewed holes in the walls and on the sills.

    1. We've had almost 17 years of Marco's shenanigans. It gets old sometimes!

  2. I'm glad the treatment is moving along without too much stress. Not easy waiting, either. Marco will no doubt take your mind off it, or something.
    This year I plan on containers of flowers again. The last two years they were lovely to sit out with and I had a picking garden for months, little daily bouquets. I like the idea of doing it again.

    1. That sounds really nice. What kinds of flowers do you grow in your containers? I love zinnias because they're super easy and they make nice, long lasting cut flowers.

  3. Sorry, no postcard - it would probably take until April to reach you!
    I can‘t complain about January as such, although of course the political situation in my country (and yours, and many more) is worrying and unlikely to improve any time soon.
    But the month ended with the sad and somewhat unexpected news of my uncle‘s (Mum‘s brother) death, and remembering my Dad whose birthday was on the 31st.
    I am glad to read that Gregg‘s therapy was easier than he feared, just I was hoping it would be. And your tomatos sprouting and other gardening plans are good news, too!
    My February is going to be very busy at work, with a business trip towards the end of the month. Outside work, there are two highlights lined up, a concert and the customary carnival party at the village hall which is always good fun. The funeral for my uncle will make sure things won‘t get too cheerful, I guess.

    1. I'm sorry to hear about your uncle, Meike. Condolences to you and your family.

  4. I’ll have to find a postcard. And stamps. Yes, glad January is over, but dreading every month to come given what’s going on around the world. Trump will only make it worse. I’ve called our cats assholes at times. Especially at 3 a.m. when they decide to harmonize. Glad Gregg’s radiation went more easily than expected. Looking forward to great news in March. No gardening plans here. Not a live plant in sight at the moment. Just trying to get it all together around there this month!

    1. You'll be all settled into your new home soon and can have some live plants again. I call Marco an asshole almost every day...because he IS one!

  5. January went by quickly for me but I have too many worries to think about so it hasn't been great. I'm glad things went well for Gregg and hope for a good report in March. How difficult to be patient. No ideas for February except helping out with my grandson more so the weeks will fly by. Stay safe and happy, Jennifer!

  6. Naughty Marco! With food prices expected to go up, I'll probably try my hand at a few tomato plants again. I don't think the Orange Anus is going to make it to 2 years since I don't doubt there will be a people's revolt before then.

    1. We can hope the people revolt. The Dems just seem to wring their hands and whine. I'm thoroughly sick of them not FIGHTING BACK.

  7. Poor Marco! He just wants some excitement in his life! (Apparently gnawing the paint off the shower curtain rod isn't enough?) He may be an asshole but he is cute sitting in the linen closet.

    I'm glad Gregg's treatments are done and the side effects were mild. Fingers crossed!

    I have a silly question: What do you (and John Gray) mean by "answers on a postcard, please"? Is this a reference to something I don't know? Clearly we're not meant to send a postcard so I'm a bit mystified. Maybe we're just supposed to keep our responses brief? Am I thinking too much about this?

    1. I have no idea what it means, Steve! I wrote it thinking of John Gray so we should both ask him! lol

    2. It's how newspaper and BBC quizzes used to ask for readers to send puzzle solutions!

    3. I'm glad Boud knows the answer! I've started using that phrase too (without understanding its origins) -- that darn John Gray is such a powerful influence on us all!

    4. Next thing we'll all be wearing CROCS!

    5. Ha! I am so glad we've cleared that up! No Crocs for me, though. :)

    6. This exchange was hilarious.

  8. Apart from the orange one - and we'd all like to be a long way apart from him - things are generally looking up for you, apart from paint-eating Marco. He is gorgeous, thought, so you can't be too cross for too long . Well, you can . . . .

  9. You and Gregg need to understand that you are living in Marco's house. It was kind of him to allow you to live there. I would not mind perching on the rail with him while you take a shower.

    1. That’s an inappropriate comment. Jennifer is probably too kind to say so but I’m pretty sure she and others are offended.

    2. It's cheeky - I admit that but I have known Jennifer for a long time and I judged she would simply chuckle at my cheeky remark.

    3. I've known Neil for ages and understood he was just kidding! If we didn't know each other so well that would be different. :)

  10. So... is it safe to say Marco went back in the closet? I wonder if it was warm and toasty in there. My linen closet, in the hallway, is on the wall where heat escape from the furnace up the it means warm towels!!!! It's one of those small delights.

    1. He DID go back in the closet!! :) I would love to have warm towels at hand. That sounds lovely.

  11. Glad Gregg's radiation treatment wasn't TOO horrible. I hope it did the trick and he'll get good news in March! And Marco! Who could stay mad at that adorable little face?

  12. For many years, I had a blue fronted Amazon parrot. She (he?) was a trip. I bought her when I lived in Miami and eventually moved back home to Ohio...and Kita came with me. She tore up enough stuff. Life changed and cats came into the house. I decided she needed re-homed and found a good one. Sadly, I lost track of those folks. I'm at an age where I've decided there's no more pets. I had to have my 16 year old cat put to sleep 2 days before Christmas. I just can't go through that again. I also lost my Rottweiler a few years ago. Enough! I sure do miss them, though. Enjoy Marco while you can...they seem to leave us all too quickly. That's great Gregg's radiation therapy is over, and fingers crossed March will bring good news.
    Paranormal John

    1. I'm very sorry to hear about your cat. That's a hard thing and I do understand the impulse to not want to get another pet and experience more heartbreak in the future. As for enjoying Marco while we can, though...he's only 17 years old and could very well outlive us. I'll be surprised if he doesn't, honestly!

  13. My gardening plans are watching someone tote my Dipladenia back outside and hoist it up on its hanger.

  14. Oh, Jennifer! You've reminded me that I HAVE to start some tomatoes and dammit- I haven't even ordered my seeds! Maybe I'll just buy plants this year. I don't know. Is that sinful? Last year was such a disappointment in the tomato/pepper department.
    I'm glad, as are we all, to hear the Gregg's radiation treatment went relatively easily.
    Tell Marco he better straighten up and FLY RIGHT! That'll do it. I'm sure.
    Hang in there, woman. We all will. Sending love your way.

    1. I could drop some tomato seeds in the mail for you tomorrow if you want some!

  15. Postcard says: Weather wonderful. Our room marked with an "X" and wish you were here. :-)

  16. Marco! Shame on you, naughty bird! Don't chew on paint. I'm so glad Gregg's treatments went well and side effects were mild. You know how I feel about orange face. January definitely went on forever and my credit card bill shows it. It's a good thing February is short.


    1. Our power bill for January is outrageous, what with the record setting cold weather we had for weeks on end. February will be short and frugal!

  17. Have you ever thought of getting a plastic corner protector for your fine feathered friend?

    It reminds me of a joke. A man was having behavior problems with his parrot, and nothing seemed to work. He got the idea that if he stuck him in the freezer for a minute, it might deter the behavior. He did so, and when he opened the door, the bird was quiet and well behaved. The man gave the parrot special treats to reward his good behavior and the parrot looked at him and said, "So, what did the turkey do?"

    Mind you, this is a joke, and not a suggestion.

    1. I'm not sure what a corner protector is...but we've just got to be vigilant not to let him perch there anymore. Sometimes Gregg brings him in while I shower, hands him to me for a minute to enjoy the warm water, and then I hand him back out and Gregg takes him back to his cage.

      Lol at the joke! :)

  18. I am glad to read that Gregg's treatments went well! January sure was a not so great month with our country being run by a felon and his minions.

  19. Yes, January was a very long YEAR.
