Thursday, September 30, 2021

So long, September (don't let the door hit you on the way out!)


It's the last day of September and I, for one, am happy to see the end of it. It's wasn't a total bust as months go (I've definitely had worse!) but overall it was just one irritating thing after another. Here's a quick recap of some stuff that happened in September:

  1. We finally, after two months of phone calls, text messages, and threats of small claims court, got our fence repaired. Remember the neighbor's landscapers who felled a tree that broke our fence? That happened back in July and it's taken this long to get it done. I was not a happy camper.
  2. I screwed up a deposit at an ATM early in the month and it's taken all month, and several calls to the bank's customer service, to resolve. Oh, the pain. 
  3. The puppy that we hoped to adopt ended up getting offered to us again when the person fostering her decided they didn't want a new puppy after all. We were upset by the way we were treated, and decided to decline. It's a good thing, too, because today that person finally got around to taking her to the vet and the puppy has parvo
  4. Gregg's referral to a dermatologist for some mysterious itchy skin that his regular doctor couldn't diagnose yielded no answers. What it did yield, however, was a diagnosis of another spot of basal cell carcinoma on his face. He has to have it removed next month and he's dreading it. This makes the third one he's had in the last few years. Too much sun exposure on his fair skin in his youth, I suppose. 
  5. Gregg's old work truck broke down again after we just spent over $1300 to replace the clutch. We were so stressed out at the prospect of spending even more money! Lucky for us, it was a faulty part and the repair place honored the warranty and did the next repair for free. But we had a week of sharing one car and aggravation over it all, and that was no fun. 
  6. You all read about Marco's Great Outdoor Adventure last week. Enough said about that. 
There were other things, but I'll stop there. That's enough complaining! I've decided that October will be better. It's going to get off to a great start tomorrow afternoon--next week we're on fall break, and going back to school so early this summer will finally be paying off! After tomorrow I don't go back until October 11. I'm really, really, really grateful and looking forward to it!


  1. It's good the doctors are catching your husband's skin cancer early! I just blogged yesterday about my own recent skin cancer surgery.

    1. Yes, he had a feeling that the doctor was going to notice the little colorless bump on the side of his nose. He's been down this road before.

  2. September was a rough month for you two for sure. May October be more filled with light for you.

    1. September was full of annoying things, but it wasn't too bad.

  3. My dad had a number of those basal cells removed. I always thought it was because he worked in Radiology at the dawn of tiem.

  4. October has to be better, right? I hope so.


    1. It's already getting off to a better start. :)

  5. October is coming up golden. Just keep the escape artist in the house!

    1. Yes! Marco got a taste of the outdoors and he obviously wants more. We have to be super careful when he's on the porch because he attempts to fly to your shoulder when you're walking out the door, now. He's such a handful!

  6. I've never listed the bad stuff that happens, preferring to just put it behind me but i know the feeling of moving through sludge.
    Poor puppy, I really hope she makes it.

    1. I hope she does, too. I'm still grateful we dodged that bullet, though.

  7. Here's to a good and welcomed Octoberfest!!! If all else fails...drinks copious amount of ale I say.

    1. No ale for me! I'm participating in "Sober October" this year, for reasons I plan to mention in my next post.

  8. I really hope your October recap will be full of nice things! Sorry to read about so many worrying, stressful and annoying things. As I am still on my two-week break and have very limited internet access, I don‘t know about Marco‘s adventure yet. Catching up with all the blogs on my reading list will take a while, but eventually, I‘ll get there.
    Enjoy your break!

    1. You're missing a laugh if you haven't read about Marco's adventure! He's lucky his not homeless and living in the wild right now.

  9. You have just reminded me that it is our wedding anniversary today. I have been doing jury duty for the last 2 weeks, ( and today, hopefully last day!)and life has been a bit hectic. Normality has gone out the window! Lucky escape with the pup, but I hope that he pulls through, poor little thing.

    1. Happy Anniversary a bit late! Congratulations.

  10. Well, all told, September worked out pretty well. You won the battle of the fence. The ATM error was resolved. You didn’t end up with a sick puppy from a rotten owner. The truck was fixed under warranty. You got Marco back. Gregg’s carcinoma DOES suck, however. Hope it’s minor and a quick recovery.

    1. Mostly September was one aggravating thing after another, but it definitely could have been worse. I'll count my blessings!

  11. There's a lot of stressors in your life at the moment. A worksite square at ground zero of a pandemic is not helping. Here, parents are sending their sick children to school and then refusing to pick them up when the school nurse calls. I hope October IS a great month for you. You're due it.

    1. Work has been very stressful this year, for very different reasons than last year. This week long break is sorely needed!

  12. Here's joining you in planning/hoping for a better month! Fresh starts!

    Say, Jennifer, I just checked on my comment offering you a red-hair doll last month, and see you'd replied yes, and that you'd email.
    If you ever did, I never got it.
    Try again? (

    The girlettes are all excited that one of them might get to go live with Marco! They are very bird-oriented (a size thing, maybe?).
    Of course if you've changed your mind, no problem!

    I've had two cockatiels in my life. I laughed to imagine you spraying Marco out of a tree, like a ripe fruit. The indignity though! (LOL)

    1. I shall look forward to sharing the adventures of a little red-haired girl after she moves in with us! I'm sure Marco will love her.

  13. This is TOO much. Just too much. I swear. May whatever impish gods have been tormenting you find someone else to entertain themselves with.

    1. Maybe I should be offering the little household imps bowls of milk and honey to appease the mischievous bastards!

  14. It's definitely been a full month for you, and not in a good way. Onward and upward!

  15. I concur. Be gone! Hopefully October will be far kinder.

    1. Thanks, Linda. I'm expecting better from October!
