Thursday, May 30, 2024

A good day for America!


Guilty. Guilty! Of 34 felony charges. Finally, some small degree of accountability for the criminal thug who's tarnished the office of POTUS forevermore and done so much harm to this country. 

If I prayed, I would pray for the safety of those 12 brave men and women who sat on the jury. Stormy Daniels, too. We owe them all a great debt of gratitude.


  1. I love the idea that the tag of "convicted felon" will ever be associated with his name!

  2. Unless he is really held accountable and goes to jail.... then I will be happy and have restored faith in a damaged court system and US. We will see if anyone is really above the law. I still can't believe a convicted felon could even be on the ticket!!! Heck, you can't even work in the West Wing with a record or convictions...but you can run for President????? That's some scary stuff.

    But I will take I'm sure it is biting his ass big time. I wonder how many Happy Meals he threw against the walls tonight???? LMAO!!!!!!!

  3. Yes, a good day, but we must remain strong because he is evil.

  4. What now? An appeal that will last for 10 years? Does this prevent him from standing for President? Interesting times!

  5. Certainly a good result. I really hope that the jurors and Ms Daniels are safe though.
    Head of the Free World, a convicted felon. Hollywood couldn't have made this up!

  6. Convicted Felon! No matter how he oils his way out of the worst, this will always be his moniker!

  7. I wonder how his supporters will react - like the man in the horned hemet...

  8. Obviously, The Orange Monster is not familiar with the concept of "hanging your head in shame". He comes out of the trial blaming everybody but himself. How loathsome and yet there are thousands of fools in the USA who will happily abide by his nonsensical rhetoric. There was no rigging and the judge was not conflicted. He was just doing his job.

  9. I was out walking Shirley when the verdict was announced, and I got a notification on my phone. I looked up to the sky and screamed "YES!" But now my worry is these lemmings who simply think he is the next Christ and continue to support him. But yes, finally he was made accountable for something!

  10. And if I prayed, I would pray that something be done about the requirements to be President.

  11. Yes!
    And you know Von ShitzInpants will keep defying the system. He's a convicted felon but lawyers will keep him afloat and the MAGAts will throw money at him because he's been 'persecuted'. It's disgusting.
    I also fear for those twelve jurors, btw...


  12. The perfect tarot card for the occasion!

  13. As the verdicts were being read I said to Dave, "Boy, I would not want to be one of those jurors!" Brave indeed and they're the ones truly serving the country.

  14. A great debt of gratitude to the jurors who affirmed we are a nation of law.

  15. I too applaud people who have the courage to stand up and do the right thing.

  16. I am beyond thrilled at this! Finally justice served. Still I worry about the election and all the people that are still duped by him.
