Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Summer hours, first year down

Today was the last day for teachers and most of the employees at our school. The students finished last week. Starting tomorrow, those of us who work through the summer will be on summer hours: 9am-3pm, Monday through Thursday. We'll have a 30-minute lunch break, and Fridays off. How nice is that? I don't mind working through the summer at all. I think that it's only going to be me, the principal, and the custodians there most days. I'll also have a week and a half off at the end of June, so there will be a little bit of summer vacation for me.

There won't be a whole lot to do. One thing I'm planning on is a big office clean-out; when I started last July, I was afraid to get rid of anything the previous bookkeeper left behind. She was there for 17 years so the office is packed with old and useless paperwork, training manuals, and lots of miscellaneous junk. We only have to keep financial documents for five years, and a lot of that can be boxed up and stored in the records room. I also want to rearrange everything so that it "flows" better, and I'm going to do some more decorating and add to the plants I'm growing in the sunny, east-facing window. I love my office, and after a full year on the job I'm ready to make it really mine. 

How quickly this first year has flown! I absolutely love my job, the principal, and my coworkers.  I haven't had even one stressful day (pertaining to my job) this whole year. The work has proved to be well within my capabilities, and I've gotten great feedback on my job performance, not only from my principal but also from the "higher ups" at the district office, including the CFO (chief financial officer). I'm proud of the job I've done this year, and I'm so glad I chose to pursue this position when it first opened up. 

One last piece of work-related good news: I checked my bank account this morning (we get paid on the 15th and 29th of the month) and it looks like I've gotten a raise! I don't know if it's a yearly "step" increase for number of years worked or just a flat out raise, but it's going to make about a $100 per month difference in my pay after taxes. Certainly not a fortune, but I'll take it!


  1. Congratulations, Jennifer! It's so nice to hear that you love your job and they love you back! What a difference for you this year! Enjoy your summer hours!

  2. What a wonderful report back after your first year. A great move.

  3. Don't you just love those secret raises? I had that happen twice when I worked for International Paper; they grabbed me just before I was leaving because they didn't want me going home and seeing the increase in my direct deposit. If you have a retention guide, use it, sometimes they require you save things you'd never think to keep.

  4. One year in! It doesn’t seem that long. Sounds like you absolutely made the right decision! Nice to have it so you have Fridays off as well. Very happy for you! -Jenn

  5. That year has gone quickly. Glad you are enjoying it so much.

  6. What a nice surprise about the raise. We all need that!

  7. Well deserved and a long time in coming. So happy for you.

  8. It is good to hear how happy you are with your job. What a great move that was!!

  9. I am so happy for you, dear friend! It's all coming together so nicely for you at work, and I can just imagine you making the office truly yours, a great place to enjoy your job even more.
    It was a wise decision to wait with the sorting and throwing out of stuff until you could be really sure what you need from your predecessor. Many years ago, I took over the job of a lady who was in the habit of keeping even the tiniest scrap of paper where someone had left her a note such as "please call Brian before 3:00 pm" - things that had absolutely no relevance for our work once they were done. As I'd already been subsituting for her when she was on holiday, I knew what to keep and what not, and the first few days, I filled the paper recycling bin outside my office several times over :-D
    Nice about the raise! $100 is $100 - always good to have. Is it the usual way for you in the US to get your pay split into twice a month? Here, I'd say 99 % of employees are paid once a month, just like rents, mortgages etc. are paid monthly.

  10. 'Twas a long time coming, and well deserved! Nice to work at something you like to do, and in a place where you are valued. Enjoy your summer!

  11. Well THAT's a pleasant surprise! I'm so glad this job has worked out well for you and you're ready to fully feel at home in your office! I wish I had an office with a window, but at least our library has big windows.

  12. Why did I think you get the summer months off? Oh well. The way you describe it, all will be fine and won't you be happy when your office is absolutely yours? You should be proud of yourself for pursuing that job. You were so miserable at your old school and here you are, so much happier, and respected and with a raise! You deserve ALL the good things, Jennifer.

  13. Have fun getting your office into ship-shape just the way you want it!

  14. What do you think you might do with the week and a half off? You and Gregg have earned a nice break.

  15. I am so glad that this job has worked out so well for you. You deserve every bit of this good fortune!
