Wednesday, May 8, 2024

A rough week, but a good day

The last seven days have been really rough for me. Last Wednesday I left work early running a low-grade fever and with a burning in my chest, and I ended up missing Thursday and Friday, too. I took a Covid test Wednesday night, which was negative, but I developed a really bad cough and chest congestion that was way worse than my Covid experience over Christmas. By Friday night, I was afraid I was going to have to go to the ER because my asthma was flaring so badly, but I kept putting it off because I had a doctor's appointment scheduled for Monday afternoon. (The appointment was one I made several weeks ago for a full physical with bloodwork to try to get to the bottom of some other health issues I've been having lately). 

I was feeling marginally better on Monday, but still very, very weak and with a lot of lingering congestion. It turned out to be a bad case of bronchitis and the doctor prescribed prednisone and antibiotics. I had been overusing my asthma inhaler for days just to get enough breath, as well as taking over the counter decongestants and expectorants. One indication of the distress my body was in was that my blood pressure was sky high. Hopefully when I go back for a follow up in a few weeks it will be back to normal. My doctor went ahead and did all the blood panels we had planned on, too, despite the bronchitis. I felt so bad and worn down by the time she was examining me that I kept breaking into tears. I just couldn't help myself. My issues with anxiety and depression always flare up at times like this. And to be honest, those things have been getting worse for a few months now anyway. I've really been struggling. Getting bronchitis on top of it all has been kind of overwhelming.

I discussed some of this with the doctor, so we're meeting again in a few weeks to go over my test results and to try to work on my mental health problems and also any issues that turn up in my blood tests. In the meantime the prescriptions she gave me should have me fixed up in a few more days. I'm still apt to cry at the drop of a hat, but at least I can breathe somewhat better now. Today was the first day I've felt like I'm making my way back to the land of the living.

BUT! To end this depressing blog post on a happy note, I have some really good news to share!!

Our great-nephew, Joseph, was born this morning!

He weighed in at 6 pounds, 15 ounces, and he's 20 inches long. Baby and Mama are both doing great, and Daddy is over the moon with joy. 

Welcome to the world and your loving family, sweet Joseph!


  1. You are run down
    Probably post viral
    Rest xx

    1. I woke up running a fever again this morning. Ugh.

  2. I agree with John ... and all that can exacerbate your emotions.
    Hopefully you're on the mend and good things will come ... like the new baby!

  3. Post viral AND all of the many, many things you've been through in the past year. Just as it is appropriate to see a doctor when you are physically ill, it is fine and good to see one when your emotions are being hard to deal with.
    That baby boy is a gorgeous one. And I love the name Joseph. I hope you get to see him before he's walking!

    1. We'll probably go see him in a month or two, after everyone has had a chance to settle down a bit. I like his name, too.

  4. Rest and relaxation as you recover. Your illness sounds so stressful. Joseph is a ray of sunshine isn't he, thanks for sharing his photo.

    1. I got a few more photos last night, each more darling than the last. :)

  5. Welcome Joseph, or Joey, or however you're going to decide to be called!

    1. Until he's old enough to have a preference, I think it's going to be "Joseph".

  6. Glad you could get to the doctor and hopefully work through the illnesses. Joseph is one handsome lad.

  7. Bronchitis! Dear oh dear. I hope the medication works its magic and you feel better soon! And welcome to baby Joseph!

    1. I woke up sick and feverish AGAIN today. Sigh.

  8. I do hope you get things sorted, you sound very down. Fingers crossed that the meds do the trick. xx

    1. I'm too sick again today to go to work. That's adding to the stress, because I HATE calling off work. But I'm running a fever so it can't be helped.

  9. I hope that you will be feeling much better soon, and welcome to baby Joseph. One of my sons is a Joseph.

  10. Congratulations to all. Joseph is a beautiful baby!

    So sorry about the mental and physical health issues you’ve been dealing with. Thinking of you and sending you warm Mediterranean hugs!

    1. Those warm hugs are gratefully accepted! Thank you my friend.

  11. I am so sorry to hear you're feeling poorly. Once I hit my late 40's and 50's, not to get too detailed, let's just say Mother Nature was doing her thing and my anxiety and depression were off the charts. Antidepressants only helped marginally, and I felt more like a zombie. HRT has literally saved me. I can't shout it loudly enough to all my women friends, who are struggling with similar problems. I wish I'd had a doctor all those years ago, who understood what women need, instead of struggling for so many years and having to find the answer (and a great young female doctor) on my own. Congrats to all on the baby boy!

    1. One of my goals for later this year is to talk to my doctor about some perimenopause symptoms I'm experiencing, and HRT may be part of that discussion. Thank you for weighing in, Karla!

    2. When you talk to your doctor, if he/she blows you off about HRT, find another doctor. I had a female doctor tell me to my face that I didn't need HRT since I wasn't having hot flashes. Yah, sure, that's the only symptom worth treating.

  12. I'm so glad you got in to see your doctor and stay in touch with him until you feel better. Don't wait if you feel as if you are not improving. I hope the meds kick in soon to help you feel better and that your followup visits will get you back on track real soon, Jennifer.
    Congrats on the birth of Joseph! What a cutie!

    1. I spiked another fever yesterday morning, but I feel much better today. Thanks Ellen.

  13. I hope you feel better today Jennifer. X

    1. I've only been awake for an hour, but so far I feel almost normal today! Thank you Rachel.

  14. Sorry to learn about your recent health issues Jennifer. Hopefully, you have been down to the bottom and now the only way is up.

    1. Thank you Neil. Enjoy your vacation! I can't wait to hear all about it!

  15. Congratulations on your new great-nephew! It sounds like you're exhausted, and I'm not surprised. I hope once you've take this course of antibiotics you'll have renewed energy to take a deeper look at whatever's going on. Meanwhile we're all here for you! Keep us posted!

  16. Urg. That norovirus stuff is bad too. Hope you get to the bottom of this. It is not fun being sick, but when being sick affects your breathing, that makes it all much worse. Welcome to the world, Joseph!

  17. I hope you're feeling better, Jennifer.

  18. I think you are bouncing back given your blog comments xx

  19. My sister suffered from terrible childhood asthma back in the 70s when the treatment and drugs weren't as effective. I remember the helpless feeling of being with her when her inhaler ran out (with no replacement) and she was struggling to breathe. I was scared and anxious as an onlooker so I can only imagine what she went through. No wonder it's impacting your mental health. I'm hoping the prescriptions you've been given have kicked in and you're now feeling much better.
    Congratulations on becoming a great aunt.

  20. So happy you have seen the doctor. ! That sweet baby is the best news. x

  21. I am late to join the conga line of congratulations but no less enthused.
