Thursday, August 3, 2023

Last of the summer garden


This picture is about half of the tomatoes I picked week before last. Although it looks like a lot, I've been seriously underwhelmed at their performance this year. The garden is way past its prime, now, and I doubt many more tomatoes will be forthcoming this season. The awful heat of late July/early August really does a number on everything. Well, except for the cherry tomatoes. Those keep powering on no matter what! Everything else is almost done.

My cucumbers have been a real disappointment. I got a few, but they were mostly misshapen and several of them turned yellowish on the vine. I have no idea what the problem was. So much for the pickle making I'd planned to do!

 I do have lots of jalapenos ready to be picked. I've been waiting for most of them to turn red, and this weekend I plan to harvest them. Jalapenos never let me down! The sheepnose pimentos that I so looked forward to trying have been mediocre at best. We've had a few, and they're kind of bland, like bell peppers. There's still a few of them left to harvest but that's not very exciting. And the hot datil peppers I planted? They haven't produced a single pepper yet even though the plants still look healthy. Unless a miracle happens and they suddenly surprise me, I won't bother growing them again next year. Space in my raised bed is too limited for all that.

 All in all, it hasn't been the banner year for the garden I was hoping for. We have eaten plenty of fresh tomatoes, which was the top priority, but there weren't nearly enough for making sauce or salsa for canning. 

That's just the way it goes sometimes, I guess. At least there's still a fall garden and winter veggies to look forward to. And next year, of course.


  1. Too bad about the low turnout, but few things in life are better than a tomato fresh from your own garden.

  2. It hasn't been a great gardening year around here either, or so I hear.

  3. I get fresh produce from my brother's garden plot so I don't have to do all of the work! I just water the garden when needed if he is away.

  4. You still had fresh produce that you have grown from scratch - always something to be proud of, and much more than I can say… everything I have in my kitchen comes from the nearest Aldi.

  5. I was completely underwhelmed by my garden's performance this summer. Just too hot. This does not bode well for the planet, does it?
    But honey- your tomatoes sure are pretty.

  6. Those tomatoes look so delicious!

  7. I remember those hot summers. Can’t imagine dealing with gardens. Same here in Florida. So many produce stands there and here…home grown tomatoes.

  8. This is the first year that I’ve grown jalapeños. They are doing pretty well. What the heck should I do with them? I will make salsa, but beyond that, I’m open to suggestions. - Jenn

    1. I love pickled jalapeño slices and if I don't make my own, I'll end up buying jars of them all winter.

  9. Those tomatoes look great. I didn't do a garden this year, maybe next.

  10. There's always next year. Or, as my father said, It's always a crapshoot!"

  11. My friend and neighbour lets me take all the Tomatoes I want from his garden. They are mostly very misshapen, but the flavours are wonderful. After all those dreadful shop-bought 'Tomatoes', it's a real pleasure. Yours look great!

  12. Can't believe it's already the end of the summer garden. The tomatoes are works of art. I'm suddenly craving jalapeño jelly.

  13. Yup! That's how it is in food gardening. Good years and bad years. July has been so wet in Yorkshire that extra watering has been unnecessary..

  14. Bummer that things didn't work out better; I'd have thought tomatoes would LOVE the heat. But I guess there can always be too much of a good thing! Still, that's an impressive collection of tomatoes so you shouldn't be too disappointed.

  15. I am mad-jealous oh to have some of these toms!
