Sunday, August 25, 2024

Sunday stuff

Since I shared a picture of smiling George in my last post, I wanted to do the same for Poppy. I took this picture yesterday afternoon, and it's as close to a smile as I could get. She hates it when I point my phone camera at her and won't cooperate! Trust me, though...she had a big grin on her face both before and after I snapped this.

I don't think I've shared any pictures of the crepe myrtles this year. They were late to bloom (probably due to the drought) but after we got a solid week of good rain, they burst out in color.

Last night I decided that today I would spend the afternoon in the kitchen, baking up treats for the week. I had to go to the grocery store for a few items I was lacking. I decided to make banana bread (to use up the three overripe bananas in the fruit bowl), buttermilk blueberry muffins (blueberries were on sale and looking good), and a first attempt at healthy homemade granola. 

The banana bread and blueberry muffins were first. They look like they've turned out really well. I'll report back after we taste them. 

A close up of the baked goodness...

I made the granola last. Some of the ingredients I chose for my mix were kind of pricey: coconut oil, pecans, walnuts. Then I made the fatal mistake of sitting out on the back porch to cool off for a few minutes while it baked. 

And as you've probably guessed...

I burned the granola. Two big batches of granola, at that.

It's too scorched to be useable, even after getting rid of the worst parts around the edges.

Oh well. I guess two out of three isn't bad!


  1. Oh no! And with such expensive ingredients!

  2. I see a wee smile on poppy's face, and your Crepe Myrtles are beautiful. And then the baked goods .... now I'm hungry!

  3. Two out of three are good, and your backyard neighbors will take the rest off your hands and conscious.

  4. Poppy looks quite content. And wow! your backsplash tile is really similar to mine!

  5. What a shame about the granola. Presumably the birds will eat it.

  6. Poppy and the crepe myrtles are beautiful. The muffins look amazeballs. I have burned a few things in my time. I know how disappointing it is.


  7. Gorgeous George! That's my nickname for him.

  8. Your baking looks superb. I'm not a baker myself, but always appreciate it in others!

  9. Your baked treats look great!
    It‘s a shame about the granola, but if you put it down as one of those little lessons learned throughout life, it has served a purpose 😊
    The blossoms on the tree make me think of spring!

  10. Will the birds like the burnt expensive granola? I love crepe myrtles. So glad yours came around. I just sat down for my morning eats and the banana bread and muffins would be perfect.

  11. Oh dear! What a silly billy to burn your granola! But seeing that banana bread and muffins, Gregg must be pleased that he married you.

  12. I'd say that the muffins and banana bread make up for the granola but I know that must have broken your heart a little. The squirrels and birds will gladly eat it, as others have pointed out.
    Poppy is camera shy? She shouldn't be. She's lovely. As are your crepe myrtles.

  13. Your banana bread and muffins sure look yummy. Too bad about the granola but like everyone has mentioned, your backyard critters will love it!
    Your crepe myrtles are gorgeous (and Poppy is too!)

  14. Really? It doesn't look THAT burned. I'd eat it!

  15. I would run that granola through a food processer and use it for crumb topping.
