Tuesday, January 21, 2025


It's 6am and 19 degrees outside. I'm drinking my second cup of coffee and preparing to don my heaviest sweater, coat, scarf, and hat and head out to work. Currently the only hazardous weather condition is the bitter cold, so we have school today. The winter storm warning doesn't take effect until early evening. I'm certain we won't have school tomorrow, and there's a chance we won't go back on Thursday, either. We'll see how it all shakes out.

We're well prepared for staying in and waiting out the weather. It's been a household goal of ours to keep the pantry, freezer, and household stores really well stocked up. The dogs and Marco have a month's worth of extra food on hand. We have several cases of bottled water on hand all the time. 

All that careful planning and preparing comes in handy when something like this winter weather is coming. I don't have to scramble and navigate crowds in stores. And in this circumstance, even if we lose power, we have gas logs to keep warm and a gas stove for cooking. We have plenty of flashlights and candles, too. I'm not worried.

I stayed away from social media and the news yesterday. I couldn't watch the travesty in DC and I don't have anything to say about it, really. Everyone knows how I feel and most of you feel the same way, I'm sure. We're just going to have to buckle in and get ready for the ride. 

So anyway, today I'm choosing to focus on the possibility of a rare winter snowfall. I have a feeling that the kids at school are going to be wild with excitement this morning at the prospect of snow. Good luck to my teacher friends trying to get anything done today!


  1. Good luck to your teacher friends any day - I believe it is one of the most important and most challenging (but also rewarding) jobs around. Teachers can make a huge difference for better or worse in someone's life, reaching far beyond a child's or youth's school years.
    You and Gregg sound well oranised and prepared. If I were unable to leave the house for a few days, or didn't have electricity, I'd be well and truly in trouble very soon. There are candles and matches, and I would survive for a little while food-wise, but I have no way of even making myself a cup of coffee or tea without electricity.

  2. We're expecting snow this morning, and then more overnight ... stay warm, stay safe.

  3. During the winter I always stock up since you never know. It's 4 (F) here. We usually get at least one of these cold waves during the winter, so we're kind of used to it. Take care!. And yesterday was an eye opener for a lot of Americans who sat back during the election thinking nothing is going to change.

  4. We're looking at some wild weather here too. Too much damn crazy all at once. Stay safe. Stay warm.

  5. How lovely to be so well-prepared! Now you will be able to stay indoors in the warm and relax, having ridden out the scattiness of children excited at the prospect of snow AND time off school.

  6. Good thinking and planning. I don't have alternate heating in a power loss, other than one of those emergency blankets, but I have a gas stovetop. Always able to get that life saving tea.

  7. So important to be prepared! We have all but the heat taken care of. We have 2 estimates for a whole-house generator that runs on natural gas, and GULP! The costs! Sigh. We've all found our tribe, as Debby posted, so yes, we all feel like you do about dump. I'm going to find my peace, and try to do good, instead of focusing on what feels so very bad. We are in the grip of bitter cold; as I type, it's minus twelve with a wind chill of minus 18. Wth. Temps go up into the 20's tomorrow, which doesn't feel as dangerous as this. Yeesh.

  8. Glad you and Gregg are prepared but hope the weather is not too bad and you don't lose power. Stay safe, Jennifer!

  9. It's -2 here this morning (NE Ohio) with projected wind chills of -27. Yikes. Stay warm. Stay safe.
    Paranormal John

  10. I had to work yesterday, but even if I hadn't, I would have been like Michelle Obama and not attended the inauguration by watching on TV. Work was actually a good distraction. I have a wood-burning fireplace and have brought wood in. We're supposed to get rain later today and then snow. Our overnight temps have been in the 30s. You are wise to be prepared. I hope everything goes well for you and you keep your power.


  11. We had a snowstorm Sunday afternoon and got about eight and a half inches of snow. It looks so pretty. And I'll let you on the news I might not watch any news for some time.
