Wednesday, March 6, 2013


This morning I woke up to the sound of the wind blowing hard outside my window. The sun is shining for the first time in a week, with wispy clouds racing across a pale blue sky. It's still cold, especially with all the gusts of wind, but it finally feels like a March morning.

When I first opened my eyes today, and lay listening to the wind, I had a memory from my childhood of my dad taking me and two little girls from my neighborhood to a large empty field to fly a kite. It must have been around 30 years ago. The field was muddy and the trees were bare; it may have been in March. The girls were twins that lived across the street from me for a year or two when we were very young. We were only casual friends through grade school, and went our completely separate ways after graduation. I haven't given them much thought in the years since, until this morning. So I was surprised when I logged onto Facebook (with my first cup of coffee in hand) and saw that today is their birthday! How strange is it that I had a memory about them (triggered by the March wind) on their birthday? Our brains work in mysterious ways sometimes!

Because today began the way it did, it feels like a lucky day for adventures. The wind and sunshine are calling for me to come outside and do something! So I'm off.... dog in tow, camera in hand, to see where this windy, wild, serendipitous day takes me.

"March is a tomboy with tousled hair, a mischievous smile, mud on her shoes and a laugh in her voice."
- Hal Borland

1 comment:

  1. Terrific winds here over the last few days. So I must get up on the roof, and replace a few tiles. Calmer this morning; thank goodness.
