Sunday, November 27, 2016

Oh, the pain!

It's been a rough week.

Thanksgiving morning began with me waking up to a stomachache that lasted all day. It felt exactly like a gallbladder attack (pain under my ribs radiating to my back) except I no longer have a gallbladder. I couldn't eat anything I had prepared for our holiday meal--which this year was a big crockpot full of homemade chili, and two pies. I drank water and ginger ale all day and had a can of chicken noodle soup for supper, but I was still in a lot of pain.

The next afternoon (Black Friday) I had to go to work at 2:30pm. I was still hurting, and when it got so bad that I was crying a little bit, I asked to take a long lunch break and go get checked out at Urgent Care. The doctor there was very nice. She checked me out thoroughly (even doing bloodwork to check for elevated white blood cell counts) and couldn't find any reason for the pain. She gave me some minty, awful tasting liquid to drink which numbed my stomach lining and made it feel better temporarily, and a prescription for a stomach acid reducer. I went back to work after that and toughed out the rest of my shift.

Yesterday was the same. I haven't been able to sleep at night and so I've been tired on top of the constant, dull ache in my upper abdomen. Last night at work I started getting a sharp pain in my left side whenever I breathe in deep. It got so bad I had to leave early. I slept on a heating pad to try to soothe my belly but it didn't help (nothing has helped).

This morning I called out of work and went back to a different Urgent Care center. Once again, they couldn't find anything wrong. Since I'd already had a CBC on Friday night, they didn't draw any blood (thank veins are a nurse's worst nightmare and I always end up getting stuck a bunch of times) but they did do a urinalysis to make sure I didn't have blood in my urine, which would indicate a kidney stone. The urinalysis was all clear. No blood, no signs of infection, etc. The doctor felt around where my abdomen is tender and asked me a bunch of questions, and ended up without any clear answer for why I'm hurting like this. How frustrating! His only advice was to relax, rest, drink lots of clear liquids and eat only bland foods, to take Motrin if the pain is too bad, and if it doesn't resolve on its own in a couple of days to go to the ER and let them do some scans. I hope it doesn't come to that! Both the doctors who have examined me this weekend think everything is okay. I hope they're right.

It wasn't a very good Thanksgiving, that's for sure! I never tasted a single bite of the food I had cooked. The day after Thanksgiving my coworkers all brought dishes for a potluck lunch, and some of the food looked so good....and I didn't get any of that, either. It just doesn't seem fair!! Haha. But all joking aside, I'll just be grateful if my stomach will just stop hurting soon. It's funny how a few days of constant pain can shrink the whole world down to the small space the body inhabits.


  1. A bit disturbing. You shouldn't really have pain for no reason. Hope it disappears soon.

  2. I am sorry you have had such a bad few days. Do you think it might be what we call a "knot in your stomach" over here and you might be over anxious about something? i hope the pain goes away soon xxx

    1. The second doctor suggested stress might be a contributing factor. He said rest and relaxation, along with bland food might do the trick. I hope so. Thank you, Rachel.

  3. Oh My Goodness, hope this will go away soon.
    I wonder about a nervous stomach. So much happening to you in the last few years that it has just affected you this way ?

    big hug
    cheers, parsnip

    1. I'm really prone to a nervous stomach. I hope that's the main problem.

  4. Stress in disguise... you have been through a lot this year, Jennifer.
    I wish I knew how to make you feel better and happy again. It does help to drink a lot of water, at least, 2 litres daily.
    A big hug from me - I'm very skinny but still, imagine a warm, fat Italian- mamma hug!
    Greetings Maria xxx

    1. You are so sweet! I will gratefully accept a fat Italian mama hug! That sounds like a wonderful cure-all! đź’•

  5. I am not Italian, (i wish i was), but i can offer you a Jewish big mama hug (i am also not fat),i see that the chiken soop you've already ate so i hope you are ok by now.

    1. A Jewish mama hug sounds good, too! I'm feeling a bit better this afternoon. It must be the all the love!

  6. Oh, how awful. I once had a gallbladder infection, so I know how bad the pain is. Not being able to get an answer is unacceptable. As for Motrin, yes, it can help with the pain, but it can also be hard on your stomach, as are many pain medications. I wish I were there to take you to the doctor! It had better go away soon or be resolved by a doctor, or I shall beat it up. Tell that ailment, Janie Junebug will thrash you if you don't go away.

    That ought to scare it.


    1. I wish the doctors weren't always so cautious about prescribing pain meds. I don't like to ask for them even when I've been hurting like this. So many people abuse them that I suppose they have to be careful. But something a bit stronger than Motrin would sure be nice.

      I just told my stomachache that Janie Junebug is going to whip it good if it doesn't go away. That should fix it!!

    2. Four regular motrin(s) are the same as prescription motrin, but I'm still concerned about it making your stomach worse. Every time my son gets in a bicycle accident and goes to the ER, they give him a bunch of painkillers, but they don't offer something helpful to you.

  7. Dear Jennifer, I am sorry that your Thanksgiving has had such pain as an ingredient. I guess others enjoyed all the dishes you prepared.
    What you say about pain really focussing the mind on a particular spot is very true. Surely do hope that by tomorrow you will notice some improvement. Do you every do meditation? I am not a devotee but can attest to its benefits on some occasions.

    1. I would love to learn to meditate. I'm not sure where to start learning about it though. Any suggestions?

  8. Sounds like such a tough time. I hope you feel better!

  9. Oh you poor thing. You really must keep going back; find a specialist. It must be SOMETHING; pain doesn't arrive for nothing. I hope you get it sorted. Cro x

    1. I said the same thing....pain can't be "nothing"! But back when I was diagnosed with gallstones, they also found a hiatal hernia, "significant" acid reflux, and the the gastroenterology doctor said I may have had a "touch" of pancreatitis. So I apparently my whole digestive system is wonky!

  10. Hope that you are feeling better today. X

    1. I am a little better! Keeping my fingers crossed! Thank you.

  11. Jennifer, this is rather worrying and I truly hope it is "just stress". Otherwise, it all sounds very much like it could be a hidden heart attack. Sorry, I don't want to scare you unnecessarily, but I've read this time and time again in papers and magazines I trust.
    Men are more prone to heart attacks than women (as a general rule), but the trouble with women's heart problems is that they often come disguised as something completely different - all is possible, from inexplicable stomach/abdominal pain to tooth ache!
    Please, please, please have your heart checked thoroughly, if only to exclude it as a possible cause for your ongoing pain.
    So sorry you couldn't have any of the lovely food you made and what your colleagues brought!

    1. Meike, I'm aware of how heart attacks can be different for women. The thought definitely crossed my mind, but my blood work was great, my blood pressure was great (actually the bottom number was slightly high the first night but the doctor said pain could cause that (and it was fine again yesterday) and there has been no nausea, no sudden tiredness, etc. But I'm watching out just in case. Heart problems run in my family so it's something I always think about. I appreciate your concern!

  12. That's awful. Whatever it is (since they can't find anything specific), I hope it passes quickly and you can make up for what you missed at that potluck. Take good care!

    1. As my husband pointed out, there will be plenty of good food with Christmas on the way! ;)

  13. When someone is in pain, nothing else seems to matter. You just want it go away. If a magic fairy said she could make your pain or Trump go away, I believe you would pick your pain. Get well soon Jennifer! (That's an order)

    1. I would gladly endure the pain if I could get rid of Trump. Country above Self. Lol.
