Sunday, November 10, 2024

Just coping

Just a short post today to say that no, I haven't dropped off the face of the earth. Writing anything for the past week has felt nearly impossible. I tried to sit down and write something once or twice but had to give it up; I deleted everything I typed almost immediately.

Obviously, the election results were a shock and very distressing. I've had to totally disengage with the news and the political podcasts I've followed so closely for months now. I'm also cutting way back on social media consumption (not counting blogs and blogging) and have removed some apps from my phone, like Facebook and Reddit. 

The morning of the election, right after we had voted, Gregg had an appointment with his oncologist to go over the results of his yearly chest scan. When he got back home, I asked him if everything was okay. He replied, "Some complications have come up." 

My heart dropped.

Since 2018 they've been monitoring a small, slow growing mass in his right lung. Which is his only lung, having lost the left one to cancer 12 years ago. Last year they had him do a PET scan out of an abundance of caution, and nothing lit up as cancerous. Well, at last week's oncology appointment the recent scan revealed that the mass has grown faster than usual this year. Dr. Smith is sending him for another PET scan next week, followed by appointments with both him and with Vinod, our pulmonologist friend. They're not screwing around or wasting time, and while I'm grateful for their sense of urgency, it scares me.

There are several good, positive signs: his bloodwork looks good and mostly unchanged from the last few years, there's been no weight loss, he feels good physically, etc. Also, since he had a PET scan just over a year ago that was fine, chances are if there's a problem it's in early stages and will be more treatable...

I can tell myself these things all day long, though, and it doesn't do much to quell the sick anxiety that keeps rising up in my chest. I'm so worried. Knowing we'll have to wait two weeks for more information feels almost intolerable to me.

Gregg is worried, of course, but seems to be handling it all okay. I'm doing my best to be okay around him, and carry on as normally as possible. Yesterday was his birthday, and despite everything we had a pretty good day. I made him the meal he requested: meatloaf and mashed potatoes and I bought a small strawberry pound cake and ice cream for dessert. 

So that's where I am at the moment. Trying to carry on each day like everything's normal when everything is emphatically not. Between the election, and now this worry about Gregg, and everything else that's been going on this year, sometimes I feel like I'm barely hanging on.


  1. Best wishes to Gregg and you -- I hope everything turns out fine and your anxiety will be over.

    1. Me too, Debra. This is by far my worst stressor at the moment, but adding in the election, my dad dying, and my current estrangement (which may be permanent) from my mom, it's all just...a lot.

  2. Thinking of you and Gregg. I know from experience that the wait between test and results seems endless. Keeping busy sounds trite but is true; and I agree w/you, if it is anything actionable, sounds like it would be early stage. And don't get me started on the election results. Unbelievable.

  3. Thinking of you both and sending positive thoughts and vibes your way.

  4. That is a LOT on your plate, my dear. I hope for the best for your husband and literally have no words about the election. I am stunned and heartsick.

    1. It's a lot. At least the worry about Gregg has made the worry over the election retreat into the background. I know longer care what happens with politics as long as my husband can come through this okay.

  5. Either of those on its own would be enough to deal with. Hope Gregg gets good news.

  6. There are no words to help/comfort; keep in mind we are here and we care.

    1. You and my other blog friends are more of a comfort than you probably know. Thank you Spo.

  7. Replies
    1. I'm trying to concentrate on him and not my own selfish fear. Thanks Joanne.

  8. Nice to hear from you Jennifer. The Fish Guy is infinitely more important than he who shall not be named. Meatloaf and mashed potato? Gregg clearly has exotic tastes when it comes to food.

    1. I told him not to tell anyone I made him meatloaf for his birthday...he said not to tell anyone he asked for it! (Oops)

  9. More on your plate than is fair. I haven't posted here in ages, but felt I needed to give out some support and concern. Sending good thoughts and vibes to you and Gregg. I hope the tests results will be on the upside and things are caught early. Wishing you the best.
    Paranormal John

    1. It's good to see you and thank you for the encouragement.

  10. Sending well wishes to both you and Gregg and I hope test results show healing news for him.

  11. All I can do is sending you a big virtual hug, Jennifer.
    I understand perfectly well how you can not stop the anxiety and worry you feel, in spite of telling yourself all the positive points.

    1. Thank you Meike. I'm really struggling and having friends who care helps a little.

  12. I follow your blog regularly but don't often comment, I hope that all will be well for both of you.

  13. May it all turn out to be nothing to worry about for Gregg and you.

  14. Things will be fine. If it is something, as you said, it's early. And you're not the only one who has taken herself off of the grid. So many people I know no longer watch the news, or read it on a website. This is not what the Main Stream Media thought was going to happen if he won, since his first term created a virtual goldmine for them.

    1. I can't go through another 4 years of stress like the last time. I'm about to be a lot less political, I'm afraid.

  15. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about this new worry for you and Gregg. I'm glad they are moving quickly with more tests and hope you have good results soon, Jennifer. Wishing you both peace and love.

  16. I'm thinking of you Jennifer and I wish you all the best.

  17. Of course you're anxious. How could you not be? I guess the main thing is to keep in mind you don't know quite what you're dealing with yet, if anything. It could turn out to be a false alarm. But good for them for moving quickly.

    1. Yes, I have a lot of faith in his doctors. I hope it's a false alarm, or not very serious.

  18. Oh, dear. Please keep us informed about Gregg. Of course you can't help worrying. The election is a big, steaming pile of . . . you know what.


  19. I hate blogger. I'm sorry, I thought I left a comment here already. You've got so much on your mind now. Hugs to both of you.

    1. Blogger keeps "eating" comments I leave on other blogs, so maybe you did. Thanks, Debbie.

  20. I've been terribly distressed about the election results as well and I'm a Canadian. I've stopped watching the news (for now) and refuse to discuss it with anyone at present.
    I'm so sorry to hear you're having to cope with this unsettling news re. Gregg's test results. I look forward to hearing that all is well when the new test results are back in two weeks.

    1. I hope you're right about everything being okay. I feel like the doctors are gearing up for some sort of action, and it's scary, but we'll see. Thank you Melinda.

  21. Thank God they're taking stringent precautions! Thank God they're taking it seriously! And hooray you for being able to be strong for someone else. XOO

    1. Yes, yes. They've been watching him carefully for 12 years now and I'm so thankful for that. As for me being strong...I certainly don't feel very strong. All week at work I have to close my office door when the tears start welling up. I'm having a really hard time, but I'm doing my best to be (or appear to be) okay around Gregg.

      Thank you so much for stopping in and leaving a comment.

  22. Thinking of you both today, Jennifer. Hugs.
