Monday, February 3, 2025

Game changer

I took today off from work. I had a mid-morning appointment with my allergist, Dr. Stone, and I have loads of paid time off I can use. My appointment was just a follow up to check on my progress with the Dupixent injections. I was so excited to show him how great my skin looks! These shots have been a total game changer for my severe eczema. The skin on my ankles and feet hasn't been this clear (and itch free) in over 20 years!

There's still quite a bit of discoloration on the skin, which Dr. Stone thinks will gradually fade over the next 6 months or so. You can really see it in certain lights, like in this next photo:

I don't care about the lingering redness one bit, though. The skin is smooth, cool, and soft. It's not broken and bleeding from scratching anymore, and the terrible itching has stopped pretty much completely. I can't begin to tell you how much this has improved my quality of life!

 Bless the doctor for being persistent in getting my insurance to cover the cost for this medicine. I'm beyond grateful.


  1. Very happy for you! What a relief it must be. -Jenn

  2. I had that exact condition for years when I was a teenager, so I do understand the misery and pain and broken skin and intense itch.

    They had just started using cortisone and I was my doctor's trial patient. The excitement after just a couple of days when my skin looked like yours! I remember how thrilled he was. I slept for the first time in years. I'm so happy for you to have found a good medication. Yes, a total life changer! Go you!
