Saturday, October 22, 2022

Saturday music treat

Good Saturday morning! 

Not long ago my husband made me watch a video on Youtube of a young genius guitar player from Poland, and I was so impressed by it that I wanted to share it here with you. Have any of you heard of this guy? If not, and you like music, you're in for a treat.

Marcin: "Kashmir" on one guitar....

Bach's Toccata on one guitar...


  1. I'm not too much usually into guitar music but I have to say that sounded very calming and relaxing for some reason.

  2. A true virtuoso alright! Thanks for making me aware of him!

  3. That's an awesome version of "Kashmir." I wonder what Robert Plant thinks of it?!

  4. Spectacular! His playing reminds me a bit of a musician who was part of the group I went to Havana with. Here's a link to his style of percussive guitar playing.

  5. Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D minor, nice. Kashmir is one of my most favorite Zeppelin songs, I plaid it to death when I got the album.

  6. Wow! There is something shivery good about hearing a genius play. Thanks for that!

  7. To say it with our friend Neil, I'm flabbergasted!

  8. I just discovered Marcin. Oh My gosh! What a talented young man.

  9. Someone young and talented is a joy.
