What do you do when your morning is off to a crazy start?
Text a friend and share a laugh! Sometimes that's all you can do.
It's been quite the week, y'all.
What do you do when your morning is off to a crazy start?
Text a friend and share a laugh! Sometimes that's all you can do.
It's been quite the week, y'all.
March began with a beautiful, sunny day on Saturday, and quite warm. We spent a good bit of time on the back porch with the dogs and Marco, soaking up some fresh air and sunshine. Yesterday was much colder and slightly overcast.
Gregg's been sick. Last week he had some sort of cold/flu/virus that put him in bed for a couple of days with fever, body aches, a cough, and nausea. For a while Saturday morning he was feeling a good bit better, but by suppertime his fever was back, and his cough was getting worse. He's still got a lot of chest congestion but as of last night seems to be turning a corner.
Besides bringing him ginger ale and offering to heat up soup, things like that, I've been keeping my distance. I do NOT want to get sick again this year. It's been a horrible flu season in this area and plenty of other nastiness has been going around, too: strep, Covid, stomach bugs. I have enough exposure at the school. In fact, we think that Gregg picked up this virus at the little preschool he still visits twice a month to clean the aquarium.
So not the most auspicious way to begin March, at least for him. I'll leave you with a few pictures I took over the weekend. Have a good week, everyone.
Poppy facing down her sworn enemy: the FedEx truck! (Our neighbor gets deliveries almost daily and Poppy can't stand it).
Marco preening in the sunshine Saturday morning.
Daffodils are blooming around the neighborhood.