Monday, October 14, 2024

Feeling sorry for myself

I went back to work today. I had a lot to catch up on after being off for a week, and I was glad of it because the hours passed quickly. I wasn't feeling well and it's a relief to be back at home. 

Last week I had a really bad eczema flare on the tops and ankles of both my feet. It's nearly impossible not to scratch or at least rub the intensely itchy skin, and I've used steroid ointments for so many years that said itchy skin is paper thin. It tears easily, bleeds easily, and of course it gets infected easily.

 That's what's going on right now. My skin is angry red, painful, and weeping clear fluid. Even more alarming, last night I developed small red streaks climbing up my right's a little bit scary. Not to mention disgusting looking.

Of course I called my doctor first thing this morning and he immediately called in prescriptions for antibiotics (oral and topical) and a round of prednisone.  And he didn't make me come in for it, bless him. He knows how much I've struggled with this skin problem and he does his best to help. The last time I saw him he told me I have the most stubborn case of treatment-resistant eczema/dermatitis that he's ever seen. 

Anyway, I feel bad. I hate the way this feels and I REALLY hate the way it looks. It's disappointing that with all the changes I've made this year to take better care of my health, this keeps happening. I get mad at myself when I can't stop scratching. It's my own fault that things have gotten this bad.

At least I've started on antibiotics now. I picked them up on my way home from work. Maybe by tomorrow I'll start feeling a little better. 


  1. Nothing worse than an itch you can't/shouldn't scratch. Hopefully you'll be feeling better soon!

    1. Thanks Bob. Hopefully by tomorrow I'll be on the mend.

  2. How I hope this round of dermatitis is gone soon.

  3. Hope things work out. I work with two men who both have it, one of them terribly bad.

    1. It will work out, and after a course of prednisone it may even retreat for awhile...but it always seems to come back.

  4. Oh dear Jennifer. I hope this passes quickly. I have a very good friend that gets it too very badly and she has it covering her legs and arms. I can't even imagine the itching.

    1. The itching will drive you mad! Sometimes it seems to itching down to the very bone. Thanks for the kind words, Maddie.

  5. Poor you! I can’t imagine how frustrating this must be! I hope the steroids kick in quickly and you turn a corner! - Jenn

  6. I'm so sorry! It sounds utterly miserable and frustrating. Dealing with the problem over and over would get me down.

    1. It really does get me down sometimes. I know it's not the end of the world, but it's uncomfortable and unsightly and I can't seem to rid myself of it. The problem has been ongoing for years.

  7. I hope you feel better soon and that the red skin and itchiness cease & desist soon too!

    1. Thank you! I'm waiting until tomorrow morning to start the prednisone, taking it mid afternoon is a recipe for insomnia! Once that's in me things should improve rapidly.

  8. You don't deserve this Jennifer. I am sending you a virtual Yorkshire hug. There, there honeypie!
