Friday, May 26, 2017

More naps, please.

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This is how I feel this week after several late nights followed by two early mornings at work. I took a long nap yesterday afternoon, and slept in this morning, but I still don't feel like I've caught up on my sleep.

I have a rare weekend off after tonight's late shift, though! I think a couple more good naps will be on the agenda.

Do you like to take naps?


  1. I love a good nap. I'd like to nap every day. Wow! I'm turning into my mother.


  2. I love an afternoon nap but I try to keep it short otherwise I wake up feeling yuk.

  3. Usually, I have neither occasion nor inclination to nap, but I so know napping is good for you. My Mum tells me that at 3-5 years old, after lunch I would get up from my chair and announce that I was now going to bed for a while. I never needed sending to bed,

  4. I would like to nap but it upsets my sleeping at night.

  5. 10 mins after lunch, but then the cat always claws me back into reality.

  6. I nap a lot but most of it is because of the meds I take and really not much fun.
    cheers, parsnip and thehamish

  7. I'm not a fan of naps. Morning is my worst time of day, so I prefer to wake up only once each day. Also, I always feel like I've missed something. That being said, I have taken a LONG nap every day since we started our trip!

  8. I would hate to start napping. I'm afraid that I would like it too much.
