Sunday, February 9, 2025

A new skill

For the first time ever, I made bread by hand today. It was a revelation. 

Not only was it far easier to do than I expected, it turned out great. Nice crust, nice light crumb, truly almost perfect. It's also delicious! After it cooled enough to slice we had it spread with softened butter and raspberry jam. It was the best thing I've eaten in ages.


  1. There's nothing like homemade bread! I made a loaf of multigrain soda bread today and yum yum! It's so good toasted -- it brings all the flavour out.

  2. Well done Jennifer! An impressive first effort that will hopefully spur you on to bake more bread in the future.

  3. I was impressed by the photo when I thought you had learned how to spread bread with butter and jam! Freshly baked bread is wonderful. Bread from bread machines upsets my stomach. Must be something to do with how the yeast is processed.

  4. It looks lovely and tasted better, I'm sure. Well done! (Mine always came out like a stone, so I gave up)

  5. Nothing like homemade bread by hand. I have a machine someone got me years ago and never used it. I gave it away. Your bread looks marvelous!!!

  6. I've always made my bread by hand, and yes, it's easy. Also very impressive to people who've never done it and think it must be hard. It's the best. And the house smells wonderful while it's baking.

  7. Gorgeous! And no, it is not that hard, is it? And it is soul satisfying, to make it and to eat it.

  8. Kneading can be very therapeutic.

  9. I've never baked much homemade bread. I remember having a bread machine for awhile but it was just meh. Good for you, Jennifer! It looks delicious!

  10. I LOVE homemade bread and that looks perfect!!! Yum!

  11. You're killing me. Breadmaking is off limits to me right now.

  12. Bread! Bread bread bread! You made bread and it's great! Look at you with the skills! (yeah I really am this stoked for you!)
