Thursday, December 31, 2020
Wednesday, December 30, 2020
Blog post #127
After I hit "publish" on yesterday's post I realized I had reached exactly the same number of posts in 2020 as I did in 2019, with two days left in the year. How's that for consistency? 711111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110
(That gibberish was Marco's contribution to this post. I went to the kitchen to get something to drink after typing that last sentence and he flew down from the top of his cage, landed on the keyboard, and was in the process of tearing into a package of Ritz crackers over beside my mouse. That bird loves Ritz crackers. And he's not shy about going after what he wants. Consider it a "Hello!" to you all from the Brat Bird).
So where was I? Oh yes. Today is post #127 for me this year, so I've officially exceeded my previous year total by one. Maybe I'll even feel a little wild and post again tomorrow!
Nothing much to say today. It's been gray and damp and chilly all day. The one worthwhile thing I accomplished was running to the drugstore to pick up a prescription. While I was out I called for curbside pickup at a newish Mexican restaurant nearby because I was craving a taco salad. I brought it home and ate it, and was not impressed. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't like meeting friends and eating it fresh and washing it down with a margarita and conversation. Sitting alone at home doesn't do much to improve the flavor of Mexican food.
I was nervous about the drugstore and even getting curbside pickup at a restaurant because Covid is exploding in this area. It's far worse than it's ever been. Our positive % is over 30% when we were told it would need to be under 5% to be considered even somewhat controlled. Our county seems to be averaging 4-5 deaths every single day now and from what I understand, both hospitals are at capacity and having to send sick people elsewhere. We're in trouble and if we had anything even approaching decent leadership we'd be in total lockdown by now. Instead, half the population is going around mask-less and fancy free, posting pictures of their holiday gatherings all over social media. It's kind of horrifying. Even going to the drugstore or grocery store, and despite being as careful as possible, I can't help but feel like I'm taking a grave risk every time I leave our house. I can only hope that the vaccine roll out starts happening more efficiently and we can get our jabs soon. Gregg has a routine follow up with his oncologist at the beginning of March and he's going to see if it's possible to get his vaccine then. That will relieve my mind somewhat if I can stop worrying so much about him, at least.
After eating my lonely taco salad I was cold and so I turned up the heat in the house, put on a large old t-shirt, and got in bed. I didn't really go to sleep, but somehow the whole afternoon slipped away after that. Just zero motivation to get up or do much of anything until now. Once I finish writing here I think I'm going to start taking down the Christmas tree. I like to have the tree and decorations put away and the house clean by New Year's Day and if I get the tree packed away I'll feel like I accomplished something. We shall see.
Back tomorrow.
Tuesday, December 29, 2020
What day is it?
Anyone else having trouble keeping their days straight in this weird in-between-Christmas-and-New Year's time period? Yesterday felt just like a Sunday to me. Sunday felt like Saturday. Today just feels....weird. And aggravating.
I went online this morning to check the tracking information on Gregg's replacement phone. When I put the tracking number into the UPS website it said the package had just been delivered. To my front door. I hurried out there to check. No package. No package anywhere in sight. I checked in the bushes, the door to the back porch, the mailbox.....nothing. When I went back to the UPS website to file a claim, I was informed that the sender had to file the claim. Wonderful. Sigh. So I called customer service and after being on hold for about 10 minutes I got through to a nice woman who said they'd immediately send out another phone. They seemed awfully unconcerned about what had happened to the first one! But okay, whatever. Great. I told her that would be fine. Then she said I had to have it shipped to an alternate address! What?! I don't have an alternate address, nor do I know (right off hand) any of my friends' mailing addresses, and I'm not at work this week. The call center lady was adamant: they couldn't ship a second phone to the same physical address. After thinking about what the heck to do I finally made her hold on while I walked next door and asked my sweet 81 year old neighbor, Luella, if I could have it sent to her house. Of course she said yes and after I hung up with customer service she proceeded to tell me about all of her children and grandchildren having similar problems recently and having items shipped to her house. Thank goodness for good neighbors!
After getting all that straight I drove down to the school to feed and check on the two aquariums. All of a sudden we've lost two goldfish in the lobby tank and a third looks like he's about to go, too. This year, when the custodians are doing a deep sanitizing of the school, no staff members are supposed to go into the building at all, but we're going to sneak back in this afternoon so Gregg can test the water and administer some antibiotics. (The principal knows we have to come up there briefly to feed and check on the tanks). I'm so upset at losing two of our beloved Shubukins! And after today the custodians won't be back for the rest of the week. Who knows what will happen by the time we go back to school next Monday. The aquarium is a much loved fixture of the school already and I just feel sick over losing some of the fish. And here's another irritating thing: the beautiful planted aquarium in the library is doing fine, but the water level has dropped. It needs to be topped off, which would be the simplest thing in the world to do except.............our school shuts off the hot water when we leave on break! Cold water straight from the tap is a big NO!! Arrggghhh! I was so damn frustrated when I went to fill the tank and discovered that there was no hot water. I'm sure they do it to save money but it really made me mad after just having had to net out another dead goldfish. At least the fish in that tank are doing well. I couldn't bear it if we were losing fish there, too.
So that's my Tuesday, friends. A whole bunch of unpleasantness on top of inconvenience. Maybe it's okay to lose track of the days when they're like this one!
Saturday, December 26, 2020
Christmas 2020
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
If Santa has made his list this year, and checked it twice, I have a feeling that somebody I know is on the "naughty" list.
This guy:
Merry Christmas from the "BAAAAAAD BIRD" to all his fans out in blogland!
Tuesday, December 22, 2020
Solstice Great Conjunction
That's a terrible photo of last night's Great Conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn. It was taken with my cell phone camera in "night mode" which is why the color is kind of weird. Sigh. One day I hope to be able to afford a nice camera capable of taking these kinds of shots. Still, I wanted a picture to remember the event by. People have called the conjunction a "Christmas Star" which seems kind of silly to me. It's obviously two planets that appear kind of close together and not a single bright star at all. For my money, sparkling Sirius rising in the East is prettier and much more deserving of the name.
Whenever the sky is clear we enjoy looking up at all the stars when we're out walking at night. We made sure to go out early enough last night to see the conjunction and then took a second walk later, around 9pm. As often happens, we encountered a deer standing in someone's front yard. We always stop and look at each other for a few minutes, then continue on our respective ways. Seeing one on the solstice night seemed extra special!
Three days left until Christmas...
Monday, December 21, 2020
Covid test!
Like a lot of bully breeds (or so I understand), our George tends to be.....flatulent. He's the first dog I've ever had who regularly passes gas so noxious it can clear a room. It's been worse lately, possibly due to extra bites of "people food".
George going through the Bojangles drive thru with me for breakfast last week.
Yesterday was particularly.........windy. All of a sudden you'd smell something horrible and Georgie would look slightly guilty. The second time it happened and I said, "Whew!!!!" and went to leave the room, my husband started laughing and said, "Look on the bright side, since you can smell it you probably don't have Covid!"
So now whenever George farts we yell, "COVID TEST!!" like a couple of third-graders.
Saturday, December 19, 2020
A little Christmas cheer
All of a sudden it's less than a week until Christmas. The longest year in recent memory suddenly ramped up and started moving at warp speed as soon as December got here--or so it seems to me, anyway.
As of yesterday I'm out for winter break until January 4th. We had such a good time at school this week! Starting on Wednesday the principal would blast corny holiday music over the intercom every hour at the class change and then do a prize drawing. Almost two dozen staff members won small gifts like gift cards to local restaurants, sausage and cheese samplers, Christmas mug sets with fancy hot chocolate toppings, etc. Every morning classroom assistants would push carts around with juice, muffins, and fruit for anyone that wanted some. One of the gym teachers dressed up as a (sorry looking!) Santa/elf cross and walked the halls with the principal one afternoon handing out candy canes. We did a lot of laughing.
Several people in the office surprised me with little gifts. Homemade peanut butter balls from Lisa, the school nurse. A charm bracelet from the attendance clerk, a lady that until this year I swore didn't like me at all, certainly not enough to give me a present. A nice yeti cup with my name on it from the bookkeeper (the same person who gave me the tacky Christmas sweater). The annual ornament made by the adorable kids in one of the Special Needs classes and their sweet teacher. Two dozen freshly laid eggs from the bee and hen keeping science teacher. A wrapped gift card from the principal which he put on my desk in front of me yesterday morning and quietly said, "Mrs. Barlow, I sure do appreciate you." How very, very grateful I am for my job and my coworkers! This is my fourth holiday season there, which is hard to believe.
The best part about yesterday (besides the fact that it was the last day before the break) was I got to see my buddy Little P. and give him his Christmas present. He asked me if he could open it, and I sent him to go ask his mom. He nearly cried when she told him to wait until Christmas! Seeing how disappointed he was she changed her mind and let him have it. I really think he liked the paper airplane kit! He was so excited he insisted on tearing into the package and making a plane right then and there.
While he worked on it he sang a Christmas song (something about Santa) under his breath, completely absorbed in what he was doing. How freaking adorable is that?! He's such a joy, and I really appreciate his mom encouraging our friendship and letting me be a small part of his life. I'm not used to being around children much at Christmastime and I must admit, it really makes the holidays more special.
Now I get to stay home and have as simple and quiet of a Christmas as I want. I'm actually looking forward to doing so much less this year. This is the least pressure I've felt at the holidays since.....well, maybe ever. I like it. I hope you're all taking it easy this year, too, and finding small moments of happiness in spite of things like Covid and politics.
Enjoy your Saturday, friends.
Wednesday, December 16, 2020
Tacky sweater day
I got a text from the school bookkeeper at 7am this morning:
Do you have a Christmas sweater to wear today?
The answer was "No" and so she said she had one for me....and here it is! Hahaha!
Saturday, December 12, 2020
Pandemic Christmas
It's shaping up to be the oddest holiday season of my life, and I'm sure it's the same for every one of you reading this. Yesterday South Carolina set a Covid record: over 3200 new positive cases and 49 reported deaths, and that's in a single day. Some counties in the state have hospitals at 100% capacity with no available beds, so the situation is becoming more dire by the day.
At my school (and all the other schools in our district) the number of cases have also been going up and up and up, and that's not even counting the number of students and staff who are required to stay home and quarantine because of exposure to someone who's positive. It's a real mess. The school board announced that we'll get out earlier for the holiday break than originally planned, with our last day being the 18th instead of the 23rd. Even so, our (wonderful) school nurse told me yesterday that she's shocked that we haven't gone back all virtual given how bad the district numbers are trending.People are becoming frightened and even a bit paranoid, like a couple of teachers who've been going for weekly Covid tests despite having no symptoms and everyone taking rigorous precautions. I can't blame them. A few teachers across the state with no pre existing conditions have actually died. And far too many people in the community simply refuse to believe in the seriousness of this virus and continue to go about their normal activities, maskless and fancy free. They make me furious. If it were only their own ignorant selves they were endangering, that would be fine with me, but unfortunately we're all at risk because of them. Our current record breaking numbers are the fallout from Thanksgiving gatherings, and January is going to be even more deadly once we're a couple of weeks past Christmas.
As for the approach of Christmas, our already short list of people to buy gifts for is shorter than usual. We won't be seeing any family or friends for the foreseeable future to exchange presents, and the truth is that this has been such an expensive year for us, both in terms of lost income and emergencies to pay for, that we would need to curtail most gift buying anyway. I did buy a Christmas present for my buddy, Little P., though.
That kid is forever making paper airplanes. He's fairly obsessed with them. Unfortunately, he doesn't really know how to make them properly so they never work very well and are kind of sad, but he remains undeterred. On Thursday afternoon he brought his latest one to show me. He threw it, and it went all of one foot then it hit the floor with a plop. He smiled. I said, "You really love paper airplanes, don't you?" and he replied "I was born to make paper airplanes!" Hahaha. That boy cracks me up! So when I saw this kit at the bookstore that evening (I had dashed in to buy Christmas cards) I knew he would love it.
I'm planning to cook and bake a lot less than usual this Christmas. There will still be a ham, and a few favorite snacks, appetizers, and simple meals. I may even bake a batch or two of cookies, but that's about it. We've had our tree up for a while now, and last weekend we strung some colored lights on the back porch, for fun.
So many houses in our little neighborhood have lights and decorations up this year! We enjoy looking at them when we're out walking George at night. Even in pandemic times those simple pleasures can be enjoyed safely. Here are two houses I've gotten pictures of so far.
I should be finishing up my Christmas cards this weekend and getting them mailed out next week. I love sending them and I really love receiving them. That's another thing that can be enjoyed safely....reaching out via card or letter to friends and family. I sure will miss seeing everyone this year, but it's kind of nice in a way to have an excuse to do less and have a simpler holiday for once.
What kind of holiday plans do you have this crazy year? How do you feel about it all?
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
Got my test results and all is well. Back to work in the morning. Thank you all for the good wishes!
Tuesday, December 8, 2020
Stephen Colbert has had a segment on The Late Show called "Quarantine-while" that over the last several months has taken the place of "Meanwhile".....a short humorous roundup of news that may have escaped notice with so many big stories to report on. Here's a recent one:
Meanwhile....I'm quarantining in my house for the next day or two pending results of the Covid test I had this morning.
As an allergy sufferer I'm prone to a ticklish cough in my throat that usually doesn't concern me. Along with the occasional runny nose, sneezing, and puffy eyes first thing in the morning, it's just part of my baseline. I've had that kind of cough for a couple of days now, but have felt fine. Then this morning I woke up with actual congestion in my chest and some very slight wheezing when I breathe deeply. That's not a normal part of allergies.
Although I feel okay otherwise, I called the school nurse and asked her opinion. Our school (as well as the district as a whole) has rising positive case numbers as well as a huge wave of students and staff who have been exposed to someone with the virus and must stay at home until they're tested. Our state, like much of the country, is suddenly experiencing record-setting case spikes and our hospitals are becoming overwhelmed. Out of an abundance of caution, the nurse and I decided that it would be best if I got a test and quarantined at home for a day or two in the meantime. The district has a testing agreement with MUSC here in Florence (one of our two major hospitals) and I was able to get a drive-up Covid swab for free.
The test was quick and easy, and except for the swab making my nose burn for the 10 seconds they had to leave it stuck up there it wasn't even very uncomfortable. What is uncomfortable is waiting for the results. I really don't think I have it, as I've been very careful about social distancing, handwashing, and mask wearing plus I don't feel very bad at all. No fever, no loss of taste or smell, no other indication of anything weird except possibly some extra tiredness and feeling chilled (despite warm clothes and normally running more hot than cold) very recently.
I really hope this isn't Covid! More even than for myself I worry about giving it to my husband. We both have pre-existing conditions (mild asthma for me, a cancer history for him) so neither of us can really afford to catch it. I'll be isolating myself in the house as much as possible until the results come in, which should be in 24 to 48 hours.
Meanwhile (quarantine-while!) I'm going to try to relax and enjoy the time at home since I feel okay. I'm re-starting a book I liked but never finished some years ago called Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell and cooking a crockpot full of pinto beans for our supper tonight. The weather has turned cold and I've been enjoying sitting by the fire in the evenings, with the Christmas tree lit. Hopefully this dreaded virus hasn't infiltrated our home--talk about spoiling the holidays! Wish us luck.
Saturday, December 5, 2020
Not today
This was the sensible lady ahead of me in line at Food Lion just now. I felt safe checking out after her!
Wednesday, December 2, 2020
Bringing in December
Our temperatures dropped quite a bit two nights ago, just in time to usher in December and the longest nights of the year. I'm glad for it. It doesn't seem right to have warm weather this time of year. Temps have been getting down to freezing or a little below, and that's set to continue for the next couple of nights. Waking up to frost-sparkled mornings, I've revived my recent tradition of sitting by the fireplace in the morning with the Christmas tree lit and a cup of coffee. It's such a nice, peaceful way to start the day and gets my morning off on the right note.
We're still walking George a lot more than we used to. Every morning we go out for two laps around the neighborhood, which equals one mile, and now that it's cold we've contrived a sweater of sorts for George out of an old vest of Gregg's. He seems to really like it. (He's a weird dog. He'll hold his paws up for me to put his legs through the arm holes!) Note the wagging tail-blur:
We've come to treasure our twice daily walks around the neighborhood. There are three deer that we regularly see hanging out together at night. We all stop and look at each other for a while whenever we meet up, and they don't seem afraid at all. Usually after a few minutes they'll just quietly disappear into the shadows. We also hear a pair of Barred Owls calling back and forth at night. And every morning, we hear and sometimes see a pair of Cooper's Hawks patrolling for breakfast. There's a big bare tree top jutting above the rest of the trees across the street from our house that makes a fantastic perch for them. The fact that they perch on that particular piece of wood so often is the main reason I got Gregg a new pair of binoculars for his birthday, so he could get a closer look at them. Another thing that happens in the morning: a huge flock of geese fly over (they return at dusk) and honk up a storm as they go. You can almost set your watch by them.
This place is wonderful for wildlife. Thanks to the proximity of a creek and a wooded nature trail, we see and hear all kinds of birds, deer, foxes, rabbits, turtles (in the summer), squirrels, possums, turtles, and I hear that there are plenty of snakes around although we've only ever seen one so far, and it was dead in the road. All in all, it makes for a perfect neighborhood for two nature loving people like us. Our almost nightly encounters with deer seem almost magical this time of year.
Speaking of magical, we have 13 (and counting) neighbors who have put up Christmas trees in their windows and/or lights out on their lawns. It's so beautiful at night! I expect there will be more as we get closer to Christmas. One neighbor in particular has a display that Gregg and I both thought was very good. It's a big bright star up high on the garage that shines a spotlight down onto a wooden manger filled with hay and a lifelike newborn doll nestled within. Although we're not Christians, the beautiful simplicity of it seems quite touching. We've never seen anything quite like it. I'll try to get a photo of it at some point to share with you all. In the meantime, here is George with our Christmas tree:
I hope you all are having a nice beginning to the holiday season!
Saturday, November 28, 2020
Kicking off the holiday season
For my friends who celebrate, I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving! It was really good at my my house. We got up early that morning and took George over to McLeod Park for a good walk. It's too bad we have to cross a very busy highway to get to it; otherwise we could walk over, it's so close to home. The drive only takes about 3 minutes. It's a pretty park with lots of space, and George loves it.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020
It's always a good time to focus on what we're grateful for in life, but Thanksgiving is a nice reminder to count our blessings.
Two years ago on Thanksgiving Eve my little family moved into our new home! It was the first night we spent in this house and Thanksgiving morning we woke up here for the first time. Our home is modest; not very big, not expensive or expensively furnished, and probably not all "that" to a lot of people, but we love it. We waited so long to be able to afford our own home, and I've been grateful to be here every single day since.
Thirteen years ago on Thanksgiving Eve I came home from work and found a puppy hiding on our back porch. That, of course, turned out to be our Ginger. This photo was taken the next morning, Thanksgiving morning of 2007:
Thanksgiving Eve and Thanksgiving Day ended up being a double homecoming for our family: first when Ginger found us, and then when we moved into our permanent home. Of course, this year it's a bittersweet holiday because we lost our good girl back in August. Tears are running down my face as I type this--I still love and miss her so much--but I'm so grateful for her and for her life. And I'm glad she had a year and a half in our new home before she died. I feel like her spirit is still here with us, her loving family. I'm grateful for our little family as a whole: my husband that I love dearly, our other good dog, Georgie, and even bratty Marco. We're an odd, slightly eccentric little family, but it means everything to me.
Then there's my job, that I also love; our continued good health (especially my cancer survivor husband's); and last but not least, our fantastic friends! I have so many wonderful friends that, pre-Covid, I had trouble making time for them all. A couple of my women friends have become as dear to me as sisters. I feel so very lucky to be blessed with so many friends.
Last but DEFINITELY not least, there are my blog friends! I never would have thought that so many people all over the world, people that I've never actually met in person, would become such a big and important part of my life. Just a couple of days ago Parsnip and her two good dogs in Arizona sent Georgie a care package in the mail, out of the blue, just because we're old friends and she's a thoughtful person. There was a stuffed duckie in there and George loves it so much he's been carrying it around with him and even sleeping with it! Other blog friends have sent me presents over the years: Anne Marie and her beautiful shawl, Terra and a lovely arrangement of flowers, Joanne and her hand woven kitchen towels that make me smile every single day when I use them.....But as nice as gifts are, what I really love is the thought behind them, and the love and support I get from so many other bloggers that I've gotten to know over the years. I'm humbled by all of the kindness I've been shown by you all. Thank you for being here. Thank you for being my friends. I count every single one of you as among my greatest blessings in life.
So on that sappy and sentimental note, I'll end this post.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Love to you all.
Thursday, November 19, 2020
Some favorite YouTube channels
Dr. Spo just posted about a few of his favorite YouTube channels, and it has inspired me to do the same. We watch a lot of Youtube in this house. Here are some of our vloggers for anyone that might be interested!
Ask a Mortician
Caitlin Doughty is an L.A. based mortician who founded The Order of the Good Death and has a funny and fascinating YouTube channel. Somehow we happened upon this video The Real Moby Dick Was So Much Worse and then we ended up spending hours watching her other videos. So entertaining, so informative, and so "death positive"!
Northern Heart
This is a vlogger from Sweden who posts the most wonderful videos about her home country. They're a lot of fun to watch this time of year, they're so cozy and....hygge. Here's a good one: How To Manage the Long Swedish Winter
Matthew Posa
My husband loves watching bushcraft videos, especially when the vloggers go winter camping with dogs. This guy is cute and funny and his collie, Monty, is the star of the show. Here's a recent link to some of his "best moments so far" as a compilation. Best Moments So Far
Mamrie Hart
These days, Mamrie hosts a podcast with her best friend Grace Helbig called This Might Get Weird which is hilarious, but what initially drew us to the Mamrie Hart universe was her ongoing series of videos called You Deserve a Drink. Once you get to "know" her, the podcast is a lot of fun, but try these two videos from You Deserve a Drink to get a feel for her humor (Mamie shares cocktail recipes she invents). YDAD: The Aviation Martini Amy Poehler's Parks & Wrecked
De Mi Rancho a Tu Cocina
I adore this traditional Mexican grandma and the meals she cooks! It's in Spanish, but even if you can't understand what she says her traditional cooking methods and foods will make your mouth water. And she always wears the cutest aprons! I love this lady. She reminds me of my grandma in some ways. :) Here's a sample of her channel: Gordiitas Enchiladas en Comal
Thank you, Dr. Spo, for a fabulous idea! I hope some of you fellow YouTube enthusiasts find something here that you enjoy.
Monday, November 16, 2020
Happy face
George got to go for a car ride this morning! It's one of his favorite things lately. Gregg is off today so he took him to a (new to us) nearby park to explore. Look at this face when they got back! I heard that he was sooo excited!
Meanwhile, some of us are stuck in an office on this bright, crisp, beautiful autumn day!
Saturday, November 14, 2020
The children are watching.
Yesterday afternoon my little friend P. came by my desk with his mom as they were leaving for the day. While his mom stepped into the principal's office to chat with him for a minute, P. and I talked. I asked him about his day at school while I half listened, as I was finishing up sending some emails and such. At some point I realized P. had gone quiet and when I looked up at him, he came close and leaned against my side and put his head on my shoulder. Then he said, quietly, "Mrs. Barlow.........who is the President?"
Slightly taken aback, I replied, "Of the United States...?"
"Yes" he said.
"Well, right now Donald Trump is the President. But starting in January we'll have a new President, Mr. Joe Biden, because he won the election we just had."
P. just looked at me for a few seconds, and he seemed troubled. Then he said this:
"But I heard that Mr. Joe Biden is supposed to be President now. And I heard that Donald Trump won't give him the money he needs to become President!"
I was surprised and only had a moment to try to explain that No, what you've heard isn't so. President Trump is just unhappy that he didn't win, but he has to leave in January. That's how elections work here, the vote is taken in November but the winner doesn't become the President until January. He still looked doubtful as his mom emerged from the principal's office ready to leave. This got me thinking.
What a damn shame it is that our current President can't ever be a role model in any way, shape, or form for the kids in this country! Even an 8 year old child is noticing the stress he's putting the country under by acting like the sore loser thwarted bully that he's always been. The man can't even summon the grace or decency to concede and is refusing to give the incoming Biden administration the daily intelligence briefings they're entitled to (that's what my little friend was referring to when he thought it was "money" they were withholding). It's a danger to national security, how he's acting, and more than that, what kind of example does he set?
I know that as for my friends' children, that I love like nieces and nephews, I would be so disappointed in them if they acted the way our President is because they lost something they had hoped for! I know that their parents either are or will be teaching them to lose with grace and to win with humility. Too bad our Commander in Chief never had anyone to teach him those lessons! This country should have never allowed that man to become President. I hope the parents out there that voted for him (especially this second time) are enjoying the example he's setting for their kids.
The children are watching, folks.
Thursday, November 12, 2020
Random tidbits on a rainy Thursday evening
This week is flying by. After the relief of the election being called for Biden last Saturday I've found myself feeling a good bit lighter in general. I know the toddler-in-chief is throwing temper tantrums and making threats, but all of my worries about what he might do to steal the election, which kept me awake at night for months, seemed to evaporate all at once when I got the news, like a pin popping a balloon. I burst into tears from sheer relief, and ever since I've just felt like no matter what Trump tries to do over the next two months, it just doesn't matter anymore. He's pathetic and I can't wait to see him gone!
My buddy Little P. continues to be a joy. I got Gregg a new pair of binoculars for his birthday, and he suggested that P. might want his old ones. They're not very good, but I knew that a little kid wouldn't care about that, so I took them to the office with me the next day. I told his mom about them that morning before I saw him and she said, "Has he been talking to you about binoculars?!" with a funny tone of voice. I said, "No, why?" and she told me that he had been talking about wanting binoculars off and on for a while! She said it was almost eerie how in tune with him I seem to be! Of course, I told her it was Gregg's idea, and it was, but the coincidence was perfect. You should have seen his face when I gave them to him that afternoon! He was so happy. The day after that his beloved uncle, visiting from Atlanta, came to pick him up from our school, and despite being thrilled to see his "Uncle JJ" he came to my desk to give me a hug first thing. He said, "Mrs. Barlow, my uncle JJ has four motorcycles!" and I looked up at the uncle, laughed, and said, "P., everyone should have an uncle with four motorcycles!" They left together after that, with the uncle teasing his sister, "See ya later....I'm going to buy this boy a cheeseburger" because P. and his mom are vegetarians. Mom just rolled her eyes at her brother and laughed. They're such a nice family. Uncle works for the CDC in Atlanta and was quite handsome and all the office ladies had to come out and meet him and talk to him. You can tell P. worships him! A close relationship with a "cool uncle" is something to cherish.
The remnants of Hurricane Eta have been blowing over us for two days now, flooding the area with rain and making for the kind of afternoons that you just long to be at home curled up with a good book. Speaking of books, I had some drama with my Barnes and Noble Nook account. Apparently a bunch of servers went down and there was a mass erasure of libraries for a whole bunch of customers, me included. I nearly had a heart attack; I've had a Nook for years and years now and my digital library is up to about 200 books. That's a lot of money invested even though I shop the "$2.99 and under" deals a lot. I ended up calling Customer Service a couple of times, and now I'm glad to say that my whole library appears to be back after two or three weeks. Such a relief!
I'll wrap up this random post with some pictures I took over the last couple of weeks. As usual, I'll try to catch up on my blog reading and commenting over the weekend.
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Two in a row
I realized this morning when my Facebook "memories" popped up that I made my husband the exact same birthday cake last year as this. Oh, well. It's still delicious and was well received!