Monday, March 3, 2025

Weekend recap

March began with a beautiful, sunny day on Saturday, and quite warm. We spent a good bit of time on the back porch with the dogs and Marco, soaking up some fresh air and sunshine. Yesterday was much colder and slightly overcast. 

Gregg's been sick. Last week he had some sort of cold/flu/virus that put him in bed for a couple of days with fever, body aches, a cough, and nausea. For a while Saturday morning he was feeling a good bit better, but by suppertime his fever was back, and his cough was getting worse. He's still got a lot of chest congestion but as of last night seems to be turning a corner.

Besides bringing him ginger ale and offering to heat up soup, things like that, I've been keeping my distance. I do NOT want to get sick again this year. It's been a horrible flu season in this area and plenty of other nastiness has been going around, too: strep, Covid, stomach bugs. I have enough exposure at the school. In fact, we think that Gregg picked up this virus at the little preschool he still visits twice a month to clean the aquarium. 

So not the most auspicious way to begin March, at least for him. I'll leave you with a few pictures I took over the weekend. Have a good week, everyone.

Poppy facing down her sworn enemy: the FedEx truck! (Our neighbor gets deliveries almost daily and Poppy can't stand it).

Marco preening in the sunshine Saturday morning. 

Daffodils are blooming around the neighborhood. 


  1. I have similar reactions to delivery vehicles. I stand at the window yelling, foaming at the mouth - this mostly concerns the Amazon fleet. Sorry to hear that Gregg has been poorly. Given his medical history such episodes will, I know, be especially concerning. You have a good week too Jennifer!

  2. Sorry to hear Gregg has been sick. I hope you don't catch it, and that he is back on his feet very soon.
    Lots of people have been having respiratory stuff going on here; only a few cases of Covid, mostly other things, but all of them took longer to recover and said they'd never had a flu/cold/virus like that before. I guess it's a combination of everyone's immune systems still struggling to get back to pre-pandemic level and bad air quality in our area.
    Isn't it funny how dogs, cats, horses and probably many other animals seem to have a particular "enemy"? With our old black family cat, long gone, it was the street sweeping lorry. It passed our street regularly every couple of weeks or so (those were the days!), and when he heard the sound (long before we did), he would sit on the windowsill, trembling with rage, and stare out until he could see and hear the monster no more. On the other hand, he would hear the sound of my Dad's car pulling up (also long before we heard him) and jump down from his basket on the top of the bathroom cabinet and come running down the stairs to greet him.

  3. Sorry to hear that Gregg has been sick and hope he continues to improve (and you don't catch it!)

  4. Hi Jennifer, I sure was sorry to read about Gregg, You're not kidding about this being a nasty flu season, half the people I know have come down with it this year and my sister just wrote me Sat morning saying she has it. Had a chuckle at Poppy here, that's a great photo. :-)

  5. Hope Gregg recovers well and soon. I wonder what it is about FedEx that Poppy doesn’t like. What does she know that we don’t? Stay well!

  6. The daffodils made me happy as did all the fur babies. The sickness this year's terrible. I swear to God everybody at work sick. It's like one big petri dish. And they all laugh at me because I go in and Lysol the whole entire office down.

  7. I heard it has been a terrible flu season, and I know that schools are a wonderful incubator for such things. Good luck. Hope Gregg feels better soon.

    Just a note: if we see a Fed Ex truck stopping at the neighbor's we always ask ourselves if we are expecting something. I'm not sure why, but our packages very often end up on his patio. It's a shared joke at this point.

  8. The daffodils are starting to sprout here in Camden too!

  9. Hahahaha, "Poppy versus the FedEx Truck" -- soon to be a major motion picture!

  10. It all sounds quite similar to here. Daffs are up, lovely sunny days, but cold nights. I hope Gregg is better soon.

  11. Fearless Poppy defends the home turf! I hope Gregg's illness resolves quickly. That sounds miserable. Marco looks very happy doing his bird-things.
