Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Half century

I have a big birthday coming up on of those years that end in an "0". It seems too crazy to possibly be true, but I'll be 50 years old! 

Don't get me wrong, I'm not upset about it, I just can't seem to wrap my mind around it. I've barely adjusted to thinking of myself as a forty-something and all of a sudden, I'm about to leave my 40s behind. Crazy, crazy, crazy. I'm sure it's like this for everyone, but whew!

I'd originally thought I'd have a big get-together to celebrate such a milestone, but it hasn't worked out. When I talked to Gregg about it, he asked if I'd mind keeping the party small because he's not feeling up to having a lot of people over and having to help host. He's got an oncology appointment looming next Monday where he'll get the results of a CT scan he had last week. This will determine how successful the radiation has been and whether he'll need further treatment or not. With this hanging over his head, he doesn't feel like any major entertaining, and truthfully, I don't either. 

So instead, I'm having a small party on the back porch Saturday night with just two or three close friends. Marla and Martina, of course, and a new friend I've made at work, Meisha. Later in the evening I might text a couple of friendly neighbors and invite them to walk over and have a drink or a piece of cake. I plan to have some good food, good desserts, and a few different drink choices (alcoholic and non). I bought some pretty string lights for the porch, too. It should be fun, and not too stressful to pull off like a big party would be. 
I do feel kind of sad that Gregg is the only family I'll have celebrating my birthday with me. My dad died just over a year ago, and I haven't been in contact with my mom since last summer. * I don't have siblings, although I love Gregg's. In fact, I invited his sister to come down on Saturday to spend the night and attend the party. I would love to have her (so would Gregg), but she thanked me for asking and then changed the subject. It kind of hurt my feelings, to be honest. Not because she's not coming, but because she didn't even seem to really consider it. 

Of course, Marla and Martina are like sisters to me, and I have an abundance of friends. I have a really good marriage. I'm grateful for every bit of it, and I don't have any right to complain. I try not to. I don't always succeed.

These are just things I'm thinking about as I prepare to turn fifty.

* It's better that we're not in contact. It's been really hard coming to terms with that, but it's true. It's sad and hard and I wish things were different, but I've started to prioritize my own needs and my own well-being. It's past time that I did.


  1. I wish you a very Happy Birthday. oh to be 50 again :)

  2. Happy Early Birthday Jennifer, it sounds very nice what you're doing. I sure am sorry about the passing of your dad so recent, and I'm also sorry things are distant with your mom. You seem to be a very kind person and have people (and pets) who love you. I hope we see some photos of your celebration. :^)

    1. Thank you for the kind words! I will most certainly share pictures from the celebration! In fact, I'm making and decorating my own birthday cake, which I'm really excited about! I'm sure the piping will look very amateur (it will be) but it's going to be fun to try.

  3. Happy Birthday to you. My daughters both are past that, so you're still the baby of my mental group.

    1. Thank you dear Joanne! You're a good friend.

  4. Happy 50th! Your plans sound wonderful. For me they would be perfect, just enough fuss. You suffer from eczema, right? My 20 month old grandson is having a terrible time with it. Do you have any tips or suggestions? Hope Gregg's tests come back negative! I remember the apprehension of those days with my husband.

    1. A few months ago I started Dupixent injections for my eczema, and it's been a game changer. My severe eczema is GONE. The injections are expensive and I'm not sure a baby could have them, though. I wish I had some other ideas for your grandson. Eczema is miserable.

  5. The Big Five Oh, congrats! Enjoy your porch party! I know the food and treats will be fabulous because you're so good at that, judging from when you host the book club!

  6. Happy Early Five-Oh-No I-Am-Not.
    I remember turning fifty; it's a time for deciding what's best for YOUR life; who's best to be in YOUR life; who enhances YOUR life.
    Not everyone makes the cut.

    1. So true, Bob. I'm realizing just how quickly my life is going to fly by and I'm not willing to waste more time on people or things that drag me down and make me unhappy.

      I love "Five-Oh-No-I-Am-Not" !!!!

  7. Happy Birthday! The 50s are a great decade, not too old and not too young and a special time for you!
    I'm keeping Gregg in my thoughts for great results Monday.

    1. Thanks, Bonnie. I've been thinking about you this week and hoping it's been a bit easier for you. Take care.

  8. Happy Birthday! I think your party sounds delightful. My husband and children are failures at remembering my birthday (after I plan parties for all of them) and after nothing for some monumental birthdays (the ones with 0's), I now plan my own. For my 6-0 I went shopping at some very exclusive shops to purchase elegant foods, I had a great celebration with fancy dishes and my 2 year old granddaughter. The pictures are fabulous. For the 7-0 I am already planning a getaway at a hotel with room service just for me. And I may even book a funny photo session.
    I am glad you have special friends to celebrate with you.

    1. A hotel with room service just for you! How awesome is that?! One day I may have to do the same. :)

  9. Happy Birthday! 50 isn't bad, it's when you should set your goal for how old you want to be, for me? I'm aiming for 100. Enjoy your celebration. I'll tell you what I tell everybody, make sure you do something fun!

    1. I'm aiming for 100 too. I'm working hard on better health, eating right, lots of walking, and I recently made a plan to begin a bit of strength training. Thanks for the good wishes!

  10. I remember my 50th very well. We had a big 'Summer of Love' themed party, and drank lots of Champagne. No-one cried or pulled out their hair. It was all very civilised and stress-free. 50 is no big deal; embrace it with pride! xx

    1. That sounds fabulous!!! A "Summer of Love" theme with lots of champagne sounds heavenly (especially since I know it happened in the South of France. Sigh).

  11. My 50th was great - but like you, I find it hard to understand that I had really been around for such a long time already :-D
    It is good to be sensible about things, like you are. Why throw a big "do" when neither you nor Gregg really feel like it. Instead, you will be spending the day with your nearest and dearest, and there will be delicious food, nice drinks AND new porch lights :-)
    I'm afraid my card will arrive VERY late, but hope it'll still be welcome.

    1. Your card will be welcome if it shows up in July! :) Thank you, Meike.

  12. I remember being surprised when I turned 50. I couldn’t imagine myself at that age. Now? 50 sounds so young! Wishing you a very happy birthday and a great year. I understand Gregg’s feelings. Will be keeping good thoughts for him, as always. I’m sure Monday can’t come soon enough. Good for you for making the right decision about your mother. So much healthier.

  13. Hope you have a lovely day on your 50th with all the people who mean the most to you. BTW, if you think turning 50 is a milestone (it is), then imagine how I felt last year when my oldest child turned 50. :)

    Fingers crossed for Greg's results on Monday. Lots going on in your lives. May it all be good.

  14. Happy birthday to come and good wishes for Gregg's results. Your celebration sounds just right and will be most enjoyable.

  15. Fifty always seemed like a big deal until I actually got there -- and then it seemed completely unremarkable, just another birthday. (I hope 60 feels the same!) Keeping it small sounds like a good plan. I prefer a small party as a rule.

  16. Happy 50th, Jennifer. Wishing you many, many more years of good health, happy times and lots of love! Hope Gregg get good news.

  17. It occurred to me after reading this that sometimes it takes almost fifty years to figure out how best to care for ourselves. can take longer, too. Fifty's just a thing. I, too, had the same feelings when I turned that age but as Mitchell said, as I look back it seems so young.
    I hope you have a terrific birthday that is stress free and loving and fun, too.
    I"m really glad you were born.

  18. Happy Birthday! I remember when I turned 50 I thought I was so old. I was wrong! You are still young! I hope Gregg gets good news from the doctor and I can totally understand why he doesn't want to have a lot of people over.

  19. Happy birthday! Hoping for the best news for Gregg.

  20. I hope you don't mind Jennifer but I have ordered a stripogram guy to attend your back porch gathering. He is coming up from Myrtle Beach. His secretary needs to know if you would like him to appear as an airforce pilot or as a construction worker? It is entirely up to you.

    I can't believe that my little South Carolinian sister is turning fifty. I hope you have a great evening on Saturday. Never forget that you are a lovely human being. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  21. 50. It seems like only yesterday... and now I'm about to turn 68! Happy birthday, Jennifer. I do have a question though. Do all your friends have to have names that begin with M?

  22. I forgot to say, Good luck to Gregg. Waiting on results is so stressful. I understand completely.
